Recent content by Allfordv

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    Begginer here! Hello to everyone!

    As I told I'm 36 years old 180 lbs 5'90 17% bf Till these time I'm training 3 times a week and other 4 days I ride a bike. I use protein and creatine.
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    Hello to you all i am new here !!

    Welcome here! I like this place also!;)
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    Ive been around for awhile and getting curious again :-)

    Thanks for the information!
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    lexy panterra quite possibly the most perfect female i've ever laid eyes on

    She is very cute, I like her twerk more than other girls do.
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    Varicose vein removal issues

    My friend did! She feels herself much better than before. But she never used AAS
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    SP's on/off-season log

    Thanks snowpatrol for his information that you shared with us, you look amazing incline BB press - two feeder sets then three working sets of 6 reps, increasing weight slightly...pausing briefly about 1" above the clavicles on each rep 8 x 135 (feeder) 8 x 185 6 x 225 6 x 245 6 x 275 (pretty...
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    Steve Cook Cycle

    I only heared negative information about synthol, never tried.
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    MASTERON ENANTHATE....I liked it, did you?

    Can you exlain me, please, what do you mean ? "Personally I would only consider running Masteron sub 12%..."
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    I'm stepping on stage soon - so why Pilates?

    I love pilates very much! After hard day it is good relax for you legs and arms
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    Foods good for hair growth?

    Avocado,mango,papaya,Garnet,persimmon,apricot,kiwi,nectarine,peach,guavas .
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    A Thank You and an intro from the PNW

    We will be waiting for your posts
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    Begginer here! Hello to everyone!

    Hello to everyone, I'm new here, don't know where to start and decided here to introduce myself I'm 36 years old,love cycling a lot and go to the gym 3 times a week!
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    Recent pics........................

    Wish you luck, you are on a good way, and what about deadlift?
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    Why we juice....the hidden reasons

    I also want to be like him:chomp:
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    What are your hobbies/profession?

    My hobby is cycling!:wavey: