Recent content by Bigboss12

  1. B

    Cutting with the use of dbol

    I'm 10 weeks into a 15 week cycle of test, and mast. I've decide to take the last 5 weeks and cut some fat. I have 4 weeks of dbol that I just haven't used. I tend to not take orals to often, but I thought I might give it a try. I know generally dbol is obviously not used when cutting because of...
  2. B

    Effects of longer cycles on recovery.

    Is there a big difference between a 12 week and a 15 week cycle in terms of recovery? I can use a higher dose for 12 weeks but would prefer to use a smaller dose and go 15 weeks. More time on instead of larger dosages I feel like is more beneficial. But if that extra 3 weeks makes recovery even...
  3. B

    Rich piana's newest crazy cycle.

    But he doesn't have pct posted or anything else that you will need with the high dosages he hits.
  4. B

    Rich piana's newest crazy cycle.

    Just trying to get people's thoughts if they have seen the picture of the new cycle rich posted in Instagram. I can post pictures if I need to. It to me doesnt make any sense the dosages Laid out and continually being raised and compounds being changed. Seems kinda dangerous to put that out...
  5. B

    Alcohol while on cycle...

    I got all that heavy drinking out of my system in college thankfully. Grew up a lot by the time I graduated realizing I didn't need to be doing that to my body. That's why we learn and mature I guess
  6. B

    Alcohol while on cycle...

    I know this isn't a good idea because it will put even more stress on the liver but with work sometimes a glass or two of wine or a couple beers with work related clients is a must. I'm not getting drunk or drinking a ton of liquor by any means is it still a really big risk even if it is only...
  7. B

    how many times a week do you train / how do you train ?

    I train 7 days a week which everyone won't agree with obviously... Mon/thur are chest and back Tuesday/Friday are arms and pressing shoulders movements, Wednesday/Saturday legs and raising shoulder movements. Sunday's are abs and body weight movements and explosion and I stretch a lot Sunday's...
  8. B

    Back in the game...finally

    I think I'm healthy then when I stopped my last cycle. My fat percentage may have dropped a little as I've been focusing much more on diet as I don't have the assistance of aas. Thank you for the advice I will probably start back around where I was and see how it goes.
  9. B

    Back in the game...finally

    I've been off a while roughly 10 months. Felt it was good I needed to take a year long break have bloods done every couple of months and see how my body did naturally. It has been a good break and well needed to completely level off I feel like. Once I hit the year mark I will be starting...
  10. B

    Psl hgh questions? Want to make the step

    Main question is whether to get ansomone or samotropin from psl. Has anyone used either or both? I know they are new. I think the difference is just the supplier to psl any thoughts we be appreciated. Thank you.
  11. B

    severe knee pain after squatting 5 plates (video)

    Am I the only one who noticed that bustinass kinda looks like a squirrel? Pretty off topic buts all I have to offer!!
  12. B

    Masteron Enanthate and its effects on Free Testosterone

    Run mast prop. Problem solved
  13. B

    Golden Era.....i knew they had tren :)

    Shit got real quick on this thread lol.
  14. B

    HGH Pharm grade vs generic GO!

    I believe it's quality. Pharm grade will be more effective at a lower dose then generic. It's kinda like pharm grade test vs. ugl test the ugl is still good but not as good as pharm grade
  15. B

    where to buy Pramipexole? sarms cycl3

    I definitely did not know this.