Recent content by bigjuice1987

  1. B

    Am I still too wimpy to start my first cycle ?

    If you do go to a new doc I would suggest approaching them like kaname said, and just say "hey doc im feeling super sluggish, im tired all the time, I have zero energy, and its almost impossible for me to get an erection and I would like to talk to you about maybe doing trt. First explain your...
  2. B

    What is the point of taking steroids ?

    Couldn't have said this better myself! Well said Griffcity!!
  3. B

    What is the point of taking steroids ?

    After a proper cycle/pct once off you continue to eat and train just as hard as you did when you were on your cycle you can maintain a lot of your gains! Lets Say for example your 180lbs pre cycle then gain 20lbs on cycle,youll be 200lbs, when you come off (correctly) you are down lets say...
  4. B

    Big favor to ask the big guys

    I agree with rediculous87 with the not training every bodypart 2 times a week. Expecially with all that cardio. Your way overtraining for trying to bulk up. I always do a 5 day split with 1 musclegroup a day besides ABS and calves and ear upwards of 5-6 thousand cals a day with little to no...
  5. B

    Testosterone along with Accutane?

    When you stopped taking your shots did your acne get any worse? I notice that when coming off a cycle or changing dosing is when my acne gets the worse. 400mgs a week is a lot for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) though. Have you thought about doing what your doc said before and do 150mg...
  6. B

    I Won the Gold Medal For You Guys ! Thanks For All Support

    Congratulations doc, you look awesome! You are an inspiration to us all! Keep up the hard work and good luck on getting your pro card! If you go into the comp looking like that im sure you'll have no problems winning!
  7. B

    My progress with optimum pharma + pictures

    Looking fantastic bro! Great lines and separation! This is inspiration right here! Wish there were more posts like this! This is what its alllll about!!! Good luck at your show my man!
  8. B

    Amp Hell

    I remember when I first started, my second cycle was with amps and I broke 3 in a row and I started using a file after that but man was I sooo pissed wasting 3 cc's of test cyp. I was a lot more careful after that haha
  9. B

    Is it too late to start AI in the middle or end of a Cycle? Deca Sustanon Cycle.

    Take it ASAP. Like soldier74 said its never too late my friend.
  10. B

    3rd injection and i havnt seen any weight gain. help.

    Idk but its pretty sad when you see young kids doing cycles and they don't even know what they are doing or know anything about aas
  11. B

    3rd injection and i havnt seen any weight gain. help.

    I always thought you put on 50lbs immediately after the first injection?! I know I did :p hahaha. Some people make me laugh lol
  12. B

    3rd injection and i havnt seen any weight gain. help.

    Also instead of buying weight gainer shakes which cost a fortune try making your own with whole foods. Buy regular protein and put a cup of instant oatmeal in some water then 1-2 scoops of your favorite protein supp, then add a spoonful of peanut butter and a half of a banana if you like them...
  13. B

    3rd injection and i havnt seen any weight gain. help.

    Steroids aren't this magical answer where your gunna take them and look like you want. You gotta put the time in. They are for applifying what gains you make with out it and only being at 140 it tells me you havent even begun to reach your full natural potential! Eating right (not just shakes)...
  14. B

    3rd injection and i havnt seen any weight gain. help.

    Brotha you can atleast get to 160 before using a cycle. First thing anyone needs to do before starting a cycle is to get there eating plan worked out really well. You got a lot of growing to do naturally and can save a lot of money and potential side effects by getting to your bodies full...