Bullseye Forever

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  • I'm soooo tired! But I just try to do too much everyday. At the moment when has his longest sleep I do my workouts, then I tidy up the house. Then all the playing with him, taking him for walks, playing with my 5 yr old and doing other things with her is just mentally and physically exhausting. I don't really get a break. But, I have the world's best kids :) little man is so funny, he's now into touching my face and staring deep into my eyes while babbling - love it!
    Hello prince of darkness! Hope your Saturday is starting off right. Looking forward to Xmas? I've brought so many presents for everyone, it's just not right in this economic downturn..oh well!
    Hello! I'm ok, still in that "exhausted and have to eat everything in sight" stage, but I'm ok. The little ones make me laugh!

    How are you getting on? When do you get results. Fingers crossed for you xox
    Look up linden method on internet. This stopped my panic attacks immediately and improved anxiety a lot. Hope this helps.
    Hey Bullseye, good luck with the doctor's apointment today, hope it goes well :)
    I think I read it was today...
    Well i think it will go good! Cory Lee - Best Shot (Feat. Shaggy) By [AmitSumit] Bros - YouTube
    I've been humbled over the years, when you get to the point of realization that a street fight is kinda like a silly joke you know it's better to avoid it. I can get in my trouble for defending myself according to the situation, its better to just walk away personally and if push comes to shove and I react I have to get out of there quickly after I'm done, but for the most part well 95% I have enough composure and control to just walk away.
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