Bullseye Forever

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  • Aww, thank you! Right now I'm pregnant!! But I stopped weight training almost 2 years ago, I only bother with it in prep for a show. I do body weight conditioning and gymnastics now and prefer the functionality and strength I gain from that. I very occasionally use weights but not in a conventional way. My diet normally is high in fruit and veg, healthy fats and moderately lower in grains. But I tend to eat instinctively rather than follow a program unless I'm getting ready for a show :)
    LOL. He is a tool. I was just reading the email updates on my iphone. He has some roid rage issues. LOL!!!! I am out on the road working right now but when I get home tonight I will give it a deeper look and will probably add my two cents. He is a little 25 year old know it all. Let us big boys teach the children a lesson. LOL
    I wish I had some answer for you. I deal with the same issue. I have a very fast metabolism and it is hard as heck to keep weight. I'm down here in the Southeast and it is humid and 95 degrees all summer long. As clean as my diet is, it is a bear for me just to get 3000 calories a day. I would hate to have to try to choke down the volume of food you would need!!!!
    I looked down at my feet today in the shower and....my toes are fn webbed! Damn rain won't quit:(
    its cool bro thanks for the help tho i apreciate it alot. alot of people on here are assholes.ima try and order it to my house next week wish me luck,
    thanks bro.good looks on the advice hopefully Zs shit works it sucks he dont sell pins tho.do you know any legit sites 4 pins?and do u order to ur house?? im kinda nervous. im on probation not trying to go back to prison is it safe to ship to my house in the USA ??
    at the nutriton shop they sell legal novedex a generic but the guy said they work ima try it
    thanks bro couldnt i get novadex and i got 2 bottles of each test i thought it would make better resultd mixing it but im getting hgg or sutin like that off my uncle for post for i dont lose gains how much are average gains with 1st cycles im 178 is it posible to hit 200 in ten weeks i just made a good diet eating 5 to7 times a day i think i shud stop my d bol when i start. mad head aches when i lift now it sucks thanks bro
    Yo brutha...heard this stat on my local radio while driving today."we have gotten rain be it at night or during the day...everyday since june 1st.." we get the odd sunny break..but frick. And east canada there getting 50+ weather. Not sure what that equals in farenheit..but thats fn hot!
    sorry to bother u but got a ? can i mix test c and test e for my first cycle and what will i need when getting off of the cycle.
    No problem bro, seriously u pointed me in right direction I appreciate that just trying to let people know your advice advice its solid, hey if I could get another piece of advice, I'm running 500 test e a week 12 week cycle u think clomid is enough of a pct that I don't crash?
    That's good! And we had two straight days of sun here! woohoo..now if the frickin mosquitoes go away..that would be sweet. Also work slows down bigtime with rain.
    Frickin rains not stopping here bro..record floods and all. Supposed to be summer haha..thining maybe i will buy a houseboat and live in that. Hows it down your way?
    The farmers are having a shitty go here, way to much rain/floods...going to cost them big bucks
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