Recent content by bushleaguechew

  1. bushleaguechew

    Grapeseed vs cottonseed....................

    No noticeable difference unless you have an allergy to one of them.
  2. bushleaguechew

    How to proceed after this bloodwork?

    You have some sort of pH imbalance in your blood. Your body is compensating for this by raising CO2 levels to acidify your blood.
  3. bushleaguechew

    Tren shut-down concerns and conception.

    Males can never truly shut down spermatogenesis. Even with flatlined testosterone levels there is still a small amount going on. It could be much harder to conceive, but not impossible. The chances of you becoming completely 100% sterile are very slim.
  4. bushleaguechew

    Ejaculation during pct? good or bad?

    Take a whack at it
  5. bushleaguechew

    Oral DIGESTION - is there any difference ??

    Grapefruit has natural enzyme inhibitors present in it. These enzymes are responsible for metabolizing most drugs in your liver. Inhibiting these enzymes means your body can't metabolize the steroids as quickly, and levels remain higher for longer. With steroids this increased level is good...
  6. bushleaguechew

    PCT on holiday. What's my best option here?

    Your worrying about the chemicals but what about the training?
  7. bushleaguechew

    Help!! Problems on pct and need info about recovery

    You might be stuck on TRT and levothyroxine permanently at this point.
  8. bushleaguechew

    Acne 7 months after cycle, any ideas?

    Your body hasn't completely reached homeostasis and/or your predisposed to acne.
  9. bushleaguechew

    GYNO.....Tren, dbol and test. What to do?????

    Why didn't you get all of it done at the 3rd party lab and saved yourself the headache of your doctor visit. Not to mention its on your record now.....
  10. bushleaguechew

    Which Needle/Syringe is better ?

    If their sterile it doesn't really matter.
  11. bushleaguechew

    Some help with diet please im getting fat!

    The most powerful anabolic (effect, not drug class) there is. Obviously genetics come into play, but mesomorphs with type 1 diabetes usually get enormous with lifting, and pretty decently muscular/shredded with little to no exercise.
  12. bushleaguechew

    Pinned 1ml of test E.. Want to stop

    Generally testosterone shutdown through negative feedback is directly proportional to serum testosterone, and to a minor extent estrogen and other hormones. So it usually takes a couple days for your HTPA to respond, and shutdown is gradual, not immediate. 19-nors have a nasty ability to cause...
  13. bushleaguechew

    Bloodwork results from general health check up

    Laboratory Conversion Units - CTDS Laboratories Pmol = picomole Nmol = nanomole 1000 picomoles is 1 nanomole That should help
  14. bushleaguechew

    Pinned 1ml of test E.. Want to stop

    Everyones different :)