Recent content by Deerawk

  1. Deerawk

    Time for some Test!

    Cycle: Week 1-12 Test E 250mg Mon/Thurs Week 1-14 armidex .5mg EOD Week 14-18 armidex .5mg ED Week 1-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu's Tues/Fri Week 13 10days Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu/ED 14-18 Clomid 50/50/50/50 14-20 Nolva 20/20/20/20 Im a little unsure about the...
  2. Deerawk


    Lookin to gear up for my first kick at the can, any Canadians out there have feedback from Z's line? Shipping timeframes?
  3. Deerawk

    Ultradrol Cycle

    Thanks for the responses, yeah I feel like OTC test boosters are a waste of money myself. Lastly, whats the best method of taking the torem? Buying a dropper and shooting it with juice to chase?
  4. Deerawk

    Ultradrol Cycle

    What else would you recommend? I am under the impression that a SERM is the most effective thing for PCT, and should be more than enough for a 4week cycle of a PH? Thanks for your input but I think Im going to stick with the torem over clomid.
  5. Deerawk

    Ultradrol Cycle

    Hey guys, its been awhile since Ive posted Ive been super busy with work and bought a house. Kept in the gym though, anyways I got myself a bottle of Ultradrol for my first real cycle. I ran M1T before but it turned out to be shit, so this is pretty much virgin run. If all goes well I'll...
  6. Deerawk

    All About SARMs :)

    I especially like the the no shutdown and no known sideeffect part of osta. I might need to get some this summer. How long would you recommend a cycle of it, standalone, at what dosage? And since there is no shutdown I assume that means post cycle therapy (pct) is not needed? What kind of gains...
  7. Deerawk

    Brothers Am I Ready For The Gear or Am I Spinning My Wheels?

    Bad attitude man. Sounds like you have self confidence and mental issues you should deal with before delving into gear. An attitude like that will lead to straight abuse.
  8. Deerawk

    Halt emergency stop? Help??

    I can't believe you listened, good for you. Are you planning on still training and working towards your goals though? theres no reason you cant without the gear
  9. Deerawk

    My Very First cycle. PLEASE ADVISE

    Your post cycle therapy (pct) is inadequate also, alot of people suggest Torem from rui for 4 weeks. Or what Sadista recommended. Lastly, 5mins of stretching isn't going to cut it. Seeing as how your out of shape your going to be sore as fuck if you are training like you should be. You should...
  10. Deerawk

    My Very First cycle. PLEASE ADVISE

    Fuck dude, your trying to bandage all your problems with drugs, when the cure to them is your own habits. I don't know much about aas to offer you advice on them. Your already on test, first I read 3 weeks in, now I read 4 days? Not sure which one but either way: You sound mentally weak(no...
  11. Deerawk

    Brothers Am I Ready For The Gear or Am I Spinning My Wheels?

    The answer is no. Regardless of your claimed stats, or your real stats. Continue to listen and read, take your creatine and protein and keep growing. Work on your training and diet, because from the way your talking I can tell for a fact it could use some work. PM a picture to 3J, he will keep...
  12. Deerawk

    6-WEEK CYCLE OF ANAVAR - critique please

    User, you sir are a wordsmith. Zepplin: GOODDAY SIR..... ......I SAID GOODAY!
  13. Deerawk

    Confusion (Deca Dick or Clomid sides?) Help and advice appreciated

    I just jerked off and it was amazing.
  14. Deerawk

    After my bulking cycle how much time should i wait till i do my cutting cycle?

    I bang 7gram rocks with Charlie Sheen.:smoker: