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  • Just flying by to show some love !
    I'm sure it will be my rfriend ;)
    You rock ! Your hubby is really lucky to have u ;)
    BTW, forgot to mention is P's b-day today.. :)
    We're watching the super bowl today, having a few friends & family over, lots of food :)
    Doing major cleaning always helps me balance things out, it's got a therapeutic effect on me, lol helps me relax, I like everything in it's place & in order.
    Happy cleaning ;)
    I hope u get yours soon, I realized I chose the reg delivery option :( so might be a while... Watched part of it last night OMG !!! It's funnier than the first one :D
    Thanks so much for sending it to us ! xx
    Photobucket :) Just dropped off the kids @ school, drinking some green tea, do u like green tea ? I love it ! Will be doing my workout soon.. how's your day going ?
    me and Mrs P were the little ones in our family lol and we were never that bad lol, the kid knows everything in the computer, she sings all these girl songs on the radio & I'm like WTF can I expect out this when she gets bigger?? :(
    all of them are doing great, the little one is the wicked one she is something else I tell ya, :)
    btw, hope your first day alone is going well... if u feel down I can always email u a "certain pic" that I'm sure will lift your spirits :D
    Must be hectic in the mornings with school.. Have u ever been to L.A ?
    I did get the link, I'm sending it out today, yesterda was Martin Lurther King's day here, so no post office..
    Hope u have a good day without hubby today :)
    Your gonna laugh if u know what I'm listening to right now... I can't find my Ipod, so I'm listening to Mr P's & I'm listening to "the eye of the tiger" lol I like that song :( which is the worst part ! man, after listening to a few songs, I'm ready to do some kickboxing, or go kick someone's as* lol
    he's got some hip-hop, rap, rock...
    definitely not my
    No, did u email it to me ? I haven't cheked my email.. will do later.. taking the kiddies to the park to ride their bicycles :)
    I'm here for you my friend, u know u can write to me as much as u like... ;)

    Thanks for the compliments, I have to take some of my lower body, I'm doing major cleaning today, the whole house... have music on & doing some dancing while I clean... the kids think I'm nutz !
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