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  • I know it was a trans:Puke:gender.. eeewww, I bet the cops at the police station had a good laugh..
    I'll never complain about my junk in the trunk either, when I was younger I thought it was too Now, I like the junk in the trunk...
    Happy weekend !! to u ;)

    This happened in Miami BTW, we got some crazy ass "plastic surgery places" being ran out of people's garages & sh*T !
    Only in MIAMI baby !

    now I have do have to say

    Oh my god, becky
    Look at her butt
    It is so big uhh
    She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends
    But u know who understands those rap guys
    They only talk 2 her becuz she looks like a total prostitute
    Ok i mean her butt...
    Its just so big
    Uhh i can't believe its just so round
    Its out there, i mean
    So gross
    Shes just so black

    I like big butts and I cannot lie !!
    Baby got back !! :bootyshak
    I looove the office, it's so funny ! I also love curb your enthusiasm..
    How's your day going so far ?
    Thank u ;)

    I'm sending u the dvd back tomorrow, man, I've had a very busy week, I hope u like what we picked out for u guys... I think it's really funny :)
    Thanks :)
    She turned 10, She's growing up too fast :(
    I can't believe she was once my little preemie barely 5 pound baby !
    I look back to when I had her & I can't believe I was 24, P's b-day is in 2 weeks & then mine is 2 weeks after his.

    aww, poor chunky monkey, teething can make them really crancky, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for u & him.
    OK, I'll send back to u, I thought maybe that both series were in it, but, that wasn't the case... How's your day going today my lady ? ;)

    Today is Natalie's b-day, but her party is on saturday, we're just cutting a cake for her here & taking out to her favorite Italian restaurant.

    I did tell u abou tthe cd right ? I forgot if I did or not.. the copy we got is the csame as the first copy.. we opened it & played it, thinking maybe only the outside looked the same, but, it's the same :(

    We got yours, we'll be ordering it today, I wonder if it has to be a region 2 dvd or if u could play any region ?
    I'll work my :bootyshak off !
    BTW, loooove your menu, I totally love Salmon, my fav thing to eat :)

    Night ;)
    Can't view the vid... :(
    may be the link
    I'm about to do my workout, finished homework, & dinner, next is workout :)

    btw, a glass of wine sounds great right about NOW !!
    Replied to your email, but forgot to mention.. You would have to come to Natalie's b-day party if u lived in

    We would totally hang out
    awwww, I laughed with those pics, I can tell she's funny & has a great personnality, she is totally adorable! love the last one !!!! :)
    I'll send u some funny ones of my litter tomorrow ;) lol
    I can think of of a few shows you might like, I'll ask P, see what he thinks, Does Ru share your sense of humor ?
    We boutght the kids a WII system & got some family games, bowling, dancing (my fav) & sports, it's really fun ! I'm not into video games, but interactive games are so much fun, we're having family game night, The dancing one is quite the workout, & I have to admit it's quite fun to see Mr P dancing to "My Humps" :ugh: Lol !
    Forgot to mention, got our DVD yesterday

    THANK'YA :kiss:

    Will be watching it tonight ;) Are there any American shows yo like ? Let me know, would love to send something your way ;)
    I love Adele, love this song of hers
    Adele - Set fire to the rain Lyrics - YouTube

    I like most of her songs, she's so talented, love her.

    Have a good weekend ;)
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