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  • Lol, send me the pics :) You've seen Nellie, she always makes funny faces when I take her pic..
    Anyways, hope your having a good friday ;)
    Wow, that's big time difference..kind of explains the accent hey!? You guy's are all out wack:) kidding..maybe it's us that talks funny. Anyways what else is cool down there? I know somewhere in England people catch "blue trout"

    I'd love to do that one day!
    It's midnight here sweetness, what time is it there? Futbol!?

    Haha yea we say soccer..I love the soccer jerseys, and I'm sure you guys call them different hey?
    Well, when the games are on I'm cheering for Canada..and England than:) you a soccer fan? Owen Hargraves is the best canadian soccer player!
    my 4 year old loves to tell jokes, & act silly, I think she's gonna be a comedian when she grows up, she makes fun of me all the time, playing
    I'm the goof of the family, I'm always making funny vids, & making evryone laugh, I'll probably be the "one" mom at their high school that's doing something "cool" and the kids are hidding from her.. LOL !

    Last one from me, gotta go sleep.
    A guy walks past a mental hospital and hears a moaning voice "13.......13.......13.........13" the man looked over to the hospital and saw a hole in the wall, he looked through the hole and gets poked in the eye. The moaning voice then groaned '14.........14.........14.......14.'
    hahaha, loved it, laughing as I type

    have u heard this one ?

    An 85-year-old widow went on a blind date with a 90-year-old man.
    When she returned to her daughter's house later that night, she seemed upset.
    What happened, Mother? the daughter asked.
    I had to slap his face three times!
    You mean he got fresh?
    No," she answered. I thought he was dead!
    I hear ya, We spend a lot of time together here, when the kids stay over their granparents house, but I would love to go's just so great when u don't have to worry about anything, just having fun..& spending time together..

    So, Vegas here we come !!

    read this joke today, thought I'd share it with u, made me laugh ..

    A woman tells her doctor, 'I've got a bad back.'
    The doctor says, 'It's old age.'
    The woman says, 'I want a second opinion.'
    The doctor says: 'Okay - you're ugly as well. lol
    p.s (I e/mailed u back) & sent u a pic that will FO SHO !! make u feel better
    U know last night the kids had a school project due, & between dinner, making their lunches for school, housework & everything else I was doing, I was soooooo frustrated
    P gets home & I was like "PLS DON"T GET ME STARTED"
    He took over & I took the longest bath...
    So we were talking at night about how we've never taken a weekend mini vacation just the 2 of us, so we're thinking about doing this, I don't know if we can thou, I think we would feel guilty without the kids :( But it really does sound tempting !!!!!
    Oh my, I remember when I was nursing my little one, rough nights for sure :( I'm happy he did so well sleeping in his own room, I think the little chuncky monkey is all ready for his own room... Was he wearing the shirt I got for him
    "My mommy is really tired"
    Your a great mom !!
    Glad your working out again !!!! good 4 u !! I did a crappy workout yesterday, had a good night sleep last night, so I'm
    happier than a tornado in a trailer park :elephant:
    Hi my friend,

    I am sooooo tired today, for some reason I couln't sleep yesterday, finally fell asleep around 3:30am to wake up at 5:45 :( Hope u were able to rest better than me..

    I think I'm getting old :( turning 35 next month !!! lol
    Health and Fitness Talk Discussion Forums -Supporting Active lifestyles For Fitness Minded People

    Mrs.P needs a sista over there:) I know you busy tho, and hey I'm sure you can get decent tickets still for the games depending on what event,,Canadagets pasted at the summer olympics every time. Watch Usain Bolt..guy is lightening quick!!
    Hey u,

    Girl, I took a few days off & today I had to drag myself to do cardio,
    The kids go back to school tomorrow, so back to our crazy life... :(

    How r u ?

    Funny, I posted this message on my own profile :ugh: instead of yours... lol
    Hey, take out & just relaxing sounds great to me ;)
    I'm cooking for us & my in laws, (So no relaxing for me :( )
    Mr P got some fireworks, the girls love fireworks..
    We're having dinner in our Patio, the weather is lovely here.

    Anyways, hope u guys have a great new year's eve !
    Give my love to Little Chunky Monkey & big sis ;)

    Chat with u soon :kiss:
    Yes, our dvd is a multi-Regional dvd, so we're good.
    Thanks for sending us the 2nd series, can't wait to watch it.

    Hope u guys enjoy bringing in the new year ! :)
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