Recent content by georgie24

  1. G

    Best way to Degrade a woman true stories

    these mule cock threads are disturbing
  2. G

    Heads up

    fucking-a.. looks like going natty is a more feasable for now
  3. G

    Heavy heart beat while on

    the shit baffles me to no end, the harder i train the dizzier i get...and my bloodpressure is fine. even on masteron/winny i get that, so its prolly not water retention
  4. G

    Heavy heart beat while on

    im guessing bodyfat has a major role too, but then again im moreso skinnyfat than fat like jared when im not dieting.. bump for bigandy or mods
  5. G

    Question for SWALE:

    did he quit?
  6. G

    Heavy heart beat while on

    i get the same shit on every cycle too, i just chaulk it up as heart pounds so hard it rocks the bed if i lay still and the headboard hits the wall...however the bp numbers are my guess is as good as yours
  7. G

    Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) Explained

    haha sweet review dieselman bigandy hows this look 1-6 npp 200 e3d 1-6dbol 10-15mg ed 1-6 prop 50mg e3d then for summer i swap the dbol for Winstrol (winny) or var
  8. G

    Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) Explained

    var is so damn cheap now its posibble! the only thing is ordering everything....ALOT of busts going down. and i cant get shit
  9. G

    Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) Explained

    i would choose deca if i was on hrt, however im not and dont plan on i stick with the fast stuff from now on....prop/winny/npp for 6 can you top that?
  10. G

    Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) Explained

    my dick is harder on winstrol than it is on test. i get limp on test. so no test is not needed imo
  11. G

    Baseline blood work & BP is a must!
  12. G

    This is a MUST SEE!!!

    like i said on elite JACK ASS CLOWN IDIOT. he's the reason gear is schedule III and illigal fucking idiot!!!!!
  13. G

    Nandrolone PhenylPropionate (NPP) Explained

    ok so will nolva and cabaser secure i wont get gyno? i had gyno surgery and dont wanna go back under the knife