This is a MUST SEE!!!

Holy SHIT.

13 injectibles at once . . . . that guy has had one HELL of a life
At first I thought he was about to blame every ailment under the sun on his previous roid use, but he did speak a lot of truth as well. Sounds to me like he shoulda been blaming his training methods when it came to the hip/shoulder replacements though. One thing I will say...he did one HELL of a first cycle. The before and after pics made my jaw drop.
what an assclown...the pics dont even look like him..i bet its propaganda!!!
the guy goes from 200+ to under 150 after coming off a cycle and he looks as if hes never picked up a weight in his life? :rolleyes:
blackbeard said:
what an assclown...the pics dont even look like him..i bet its propaganda!!!
the guy goes from 200+ to under 150 after coming off a cycle and he looks as if hes never picked up a weight in his life? :rolleyes:
thats what i was thinking how can you go from what he looked like to what he looks like now ?
what do you think of his theory of taking lots of diffrent steriods with small does compared to a few at large doses
Well thats the funny thing, he says the shit about taking a bunch of diff roids, then later contradicts himself by saying he made better gains taking only 3 things. Talk about dropping the ball, I dont understand how someone with such good potential/genetics just says, fuck it im going to let my body waste away to nothing. Am I missing something here?
ftw666 said:
what do you think of his theory of taking lots of diffrent steriods with small does compared to a few at large doses

BS he even said it himself he got better results using less than he did using 13 things at once..

i would expect some size loss but he showed his natty pics and then the pics after he stopped using gear and theyre not even similar..
No wonder all that shit's illegal. That whole "builder's gut" thing where the organs grow and they get a massive stomach just looks unhealthy. And the alphabet of different shit he was using is just scary. The natural way is so much better anyway, 'cos you get to keep all the strength you get. Thank you very much Drveejay11, this is just another example (for me at least) as to why not to use anything illegal.
sprinter said:
No wonder all that shit's illegal. That whole "builder's gut" thing where the organs grow and they get a massive stomach just looks unhealthy. And the alphabet of different shit he was using is just scary. The natural way is so much better anyway, 'cos you get to keep all the strength you get. Thank you very much Drveejay11, this is just another example (for me at least) as to why not to use anything illegal.

sprinter said:
No wonder all that shit's illegal. That whole "builder's gut" thing where the organs grow and they get a massive stomach just looks unhealthy. And the alphabet of different shit he was using is just scary. The natural way is so much better anyway, 'cos you get to keep all the strength you get. Thank you very much Drveejay11, this is just another example (for me at least) as to why not to use anything illegal.

the gut you speak of is beleived to be from insulin and GH use. And natural isnt necesarly better, its a matter of opinion. Yes you keep your gains but they are no where remotly close to what they are if you do a proper cycle with proper diet and training. When you come off you will no doubt lose gains but you still have alot more than when you started. The key is moderation, and this guys seems to be some a BS artist
You train naturally, then stop training, you will lose the muscle you had while training. You train with juice, then stop, you'll lose that as well. No such thing as permanent in this world. You are a product of your environment, period.
pullinbig said:
i cant get it to play damnit. is it me in the video? huh??

what viewer you using?
if you don't have flash installed you won't be able to play it...

about the video:
thats what happens when you abuse it, its his own fault that happened to him. hell anything we eat/drink today can do that to us if we abuse it.
I think this guys is telling the truth....and he got a bad rap from gear use.....BUT...his story is not typical at all otherwise his example would be the norm or at least somewhat common.

I do agree with him 100% when he said that GH causes all the organs of the body to most certainly does bro's.....thats why I don't touch the stuff anymore. GH is far more risky than steroids.


Did that guy speaked anything about hcg or clomid ??? thats one reasen why he lost everything. My opinion is 13 injectables is little too much !!! every thing will be just fine when you keep doses right and maeby just using 3 different type of roids....
Great video. I buy into it fellas, I think it's all real. Moderation is the key and he was definitely overboard with it. 13 injectables at once... That's just crazy. 295 lbs with a gut ... he's talking about Ronnie for sure. Yeah that Growth Hormone stuff is bad news (IMO).

"You train naturally, then stop training, you will lose the muscle you had while training. You train with juice, then stop, you'll lose that as well. No such thing as permanent in this world. You are a product of your environment, period."

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Stay SMART fellas. Don't be on the sauce forever.