Recent content by JRider

  1. J

    SHORT CYCLES - VET opinions please

    Guess you already get what you are looking for. The consensus is short cycles are generally a bad idea, especially for beginners like you, for many reasons. I do not see much a following for Bill Roberts. He had a theory how you can recover easily if your cycles are kept short like for a...
  2. J

    Does post cycle therapy (pct) really work? Yes it does!

    Would you let us know how old you are?
  3. J

    1lb pure lean muscle per week on prop and tren a ?

    You seriously think Markus Ruhl has better luck picking up girls than Zyzz on a Friday night? Even figuratively that does not make sense.
  4. J

    Fuck bros my dad is dying of cancer

    Sorry to hear that. Prayers to you and your family. I have a relative passed away from liver cancer two years ago. Liver cancer can be very hard...but it can be very fast too.
  5. J

    1lb pure lean muscle per week on prop and tren a ?

    I believe it is possible if you are young. You can even grow faster if you are a cow. Quote from "Beef Cattle Handbook" - A good average daily gain for a young heifer after weaning is 1.0 to 1.30 pounds per day. When the heifer is within two months from show, a daily gain of 1.3 to 1.5...
  6. J

    sciroxx bust

    Interesting read. Thank you.
  7. J

    60% off! It's our famous Hour Sale!

    Thank you. Got me code. Will order soon!
  8. J

    need some help with my Rui order

    I like aromasin/extremestane. 12.5 mg ED. No gyno no sides.
  9. J

    Genetics, Steroids or both

    To me the answer is easy, if what you said is true, that guys like Kelvin's success is not so much due to their genetics but mostly due to their drug use, you would see many more examples of people from rich families success at pro level. They have much better access to quality AAS even with...
  10. J

    D-bol 10mg /day

    Let us know which forum recommend that cycle to you. Is it against the rule here? Just curious.
  11. J

    First pin done! Newbies first cycle of Test Prop

    I did the same thing with air bubbles the first few times I injected. I wanted to ensure no air bubbles what so ever and wasted some oils. Then I learned some air bubbles are totally okay with in muscle injection. You need to inject really large amount of air into your vein to get into troubles...
  12. J

    60% off! It's our famous Hour Sale!

    Thank you! Such a great company. I responded within an hour too. Looking forward to the code! :)
  13. J

    60% off! It's our famous Hour Sale!

    Exactly. can you send us code too?
  14. J

    Hcg 250*2 or 500*2

    This is what I think. HCG usually comes with 5000ius. If taken 250is x 2 weekly, that's 10 weeks, well over the one month recommended potency period. I would take 250iu x 2 to begin with and then increase the dosage gradually assuming it is less and less potent over the time. You guys think...
  15. J

    New here think i messed up bad

    You probably need more than one post cycle therapy (pct) session. You will need blood test to see how well you recovered.