Recent content by Suareezay

  1. S

    late meal...

    the sekret is to eat light foodz! not heavy foodz! hmm, lemme think. an alternative to consuming calories. not consuming calories maybe? i dont know what that even means. but if theyre so "needed" why would you not want to consume them anyway? (to answer your question, theres no reason not to...
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    Sueareezay Diet

    drugs are the best way. training is the next best way. nutrient manipulation is another.
  3. S

    Protein gap during vacation

    how about eat a few meals with some protein in them throughout the day and enjoy your vacation.
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    youre missing the point. it seems you have the belief that eating anything other than chicken and broccoli will cause fat gain. how "clean" your food is doesnt determine your body composition.
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    the food you eat is completely irrelevant to whether you are bulking or cutting. eat nothing but a burrito all day and youll lose weight. eat 20 burritos and youll gain weight. what matter is total calories.
  6. S

    Amino Acid / Protein / Creatine

    i dont know what youre referring to, i made two statements. but no, individual amino acids are not proteins. proteins are made up of amino acids, not the other way around. i dont know how else to put this.
  7. S

    Creatine Help

    im taking the data at face value. one of the authors of the study posted this on another forum im not a believer in the anecdotal experiences of others. people can convince themselves of anything if they want to. the placebo effect is a powerful phenomenon. this isnt to say that KA is bunk...
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    Amino Acid / Protein / Creatine

    not really. proteins are composed of linear chains of amino acids. this is not the equivalent of "amino acids are proteins". there is no data showing showing amino acid supplementation provides any benefit over a a diet with adequate protein.
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    Creatine Help

    based on what? other than its boolshit marketing a pubmed search turns up exactly 0 results for kre-alkalyn. whereas theres 2 decades of research on creatine mono showing its effectiveness. also:
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    Amino Acid / Protein / Creatine

    oh, well that explains it.
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    Question on BSN: Nitrix

    pump products are worthless. eat some carbs if you want a pump.
  12. S

    Amino Acid / Protein / Creatine

    1. take the BCAA's back. 2. If its GNC's creatine plus, that is creatine monohydrate. It has some other crap thrown in like arginine and glutamine, which are essentially useless, but the creatine is the important part. Take it post workout with protein and carbs.
  13. S

    Baked Beans.

    starch is good. i eat black beans all the time.
  14. S

    Surge by Biotest

    seriously though, any source of carbs + protein post workout is fine. I prefer to eating calories to drinking them personally.
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    Surge by Biotest

    biotest is the anus of the supplement industry.