Recent content by vudu

  1. vudu

    Calculation question for Test E

    In order to take 500 mg a week, you'd split it up between 2 shots. Monday take 1 cc, and Thursday take 2/3rds of a cc. Do you have PCT ready to go?
  2. vudu

    strong first cycle

    I would have asked your cycle history and if you know how you react to each of the chemicals individually. No one on this board has any reason to want to hinder your results or possible gains, but you are severely mistaken if you think the rewards greatly outweigh the benefits of this cycle. A...
  3. vudu

    Rookie interested in starting a bulking cycle

    Cytomel is pretty strong, if you want to bulk, stay far far away from it.
  4. vudu

    Needle help

    I ran into that same problem too my first time around, I just bought them online. No need to talk to a dickhead/bitch behind the counter.
  5. vudu

    Limbs going numb easily

    I've experienced this but I don't know what to attribute it to.
  6. vudu

    Ok so i got a question.

    running deca by itself is not a good idea, unless you're into limp dick and no sex drive. a test only cycle will produce good gains.
  7. vudu

    T3 / Cycle help

    If you're planning to run dbol on a cutter, I'd suggest running Aromasin to keep bloat and fat gain in check. Stats?
  8. vudu

    First Cycle: Sustaplex and T3

    T3 should be taken on an empty stomach, so taking 1 pill right before lunch might interfere with it's absorption. Other than that, keep us posted, I'm very interested in seeing what kind of results you're gonna get as far as body composition goes. Do you know what your bf % is right now?
  9. vudu

    galenika test-e 250depo

    Those Galenika amps are good stuff, I was very happy with the results.
  10. vudu

    Advice on post cycle therapy (pct) after a first test c cycle.

    I like taking HCG the last 2 weeks of the cycle, last pin being the same day the last pin of my cycle. Some people run 500 iu 4-5 days apart throughout the whole cycle. Nolvadex is 2 weeks after last pin for 4 weeks. 40/40/20/20
  11. vudu

    Primo vs Masteron

    I'm still trying to plan my cutting cycle, and with Anavar's hefty price tag I decided to switch to something that I would be able to run for the full 12 weeks and maybe get more bang for my buck. Which one do you prefer on a calorie deficit diet with heavy cardio? So far what I have is this...
  12. vudu

    When should I start contemplating my PCT?

    It depends on what you're taking. What are you on?
  13. vudu

    my upcoming cutting cycle

    T3 aka Cytomel is a thyroid hormone. Steroid Profiles - Cytomel® (liothyronine Sodium) -
  14. vudu

    What to do for bigger glutes?

    Squats have given me quite a powerful tushie, keep doing them!
  15. vudu

    Does anyone run outside

    I'm a pussy for the cold! It does dip into the 50s on a windy night here:bawling: