Advice on post cycle therapy (pct) after a first test c cycle.


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Advice on PCT after a first test c cycle.

Getting ready to start a 12 week Test C cycle as soon as i get a good PCT ironed out.

planning on

500 mg per week of test c week 1-12
nolvadex (what amounts?) week 13-18

and ive also been told HCG is really worth looking into, but i dont know anything about when i should take it or how much.

any advice by those with experience is always appreciated.
do a search bro, there's tons of info for you

Come on bro, there's NO need for telling anyone to use the search function. After all, this is a discussion board. 99% of questions could be andwered by using the search button, but you know what, we'd have an encyclopedia, not a discussion forum.

If you don't want to post anything constructive and helpful, them please don't post at all.
Come on bro, there's NO need for telling anyone to use the search function. After all, this is a discussion board. 99% of questions could be andwered by using the search button, but you know what, we'd have an encyclopedia, not a discussion forum.

If you don't want to post anything constructive and helpful, them please don't post at all.

well said big dog!
I like taking HCG the last 2 weeks of the cycle, last pin being the same day the last pin of my cycle. Some people run 500 iu 4-5 days apart throughout the whole cycle.

Nolvadex is 2 weeks after last pin for 4 weeks. 40/40/20/20
If you can get your hands on clomid, do so. Run both nolva at 40mg and clomid at 60mg. Works awesome for me. I'm back online in 2 weeks with clomid.
agree with above, clomid would be a good addition for pct. i have never used hcg but a lot of bro's swear by it nowadays.
Hcg 250iu 2x's/EW During the cycle.
Nolvadex 2 weeks after last injection (this varies depending on what steroid youre taking). 40mg ED for 2 weeks and then 20mg ED for 2 weeks.

Also I would continue with the nolvadex at 20mg ED if you dont feel fine after the pct.