Recent content by warkhawk

  1. warkhawk

    Pre workout sup or drink ?

    Noxipro with dmaa
  2. warkhawk

    If only everyone would take the time to come to "ology" and learn!

    It's very popular in Brazil. Not sure why anyone would think that's aesthetic at all. Just looks like bags of oil in his arms.
  3. warkhawk

    Hcg help need a source please

    It's a rep that is PMing you. The source is where you buy from homie.
  4. warkhawk

    Hcg help need a source please

    It's like buying tires. BFG is a tire/brand of tire, you go to 4 wheel parts or discount tire to get em which can be called a "source".
  5. warkhawk

    Hcg help need a source please

    This is a research forum. Educational purposes. Note the ology part... the study of.
  6. warkhawk

    Anyone ever hurt themselves using steriods?

    Had anyone hurt themselves by lifting too much weight here?
  7. warkhawk

    can sex count as my cardio?

    Oh yes, it will long sessions. so when I get into town it's happening.
  8. warkhawk

    can sex count as my cardio?

    Can doing the deed count towards my cardio for the week?
  9. warkhawk

    Anyone ever take accutane on cycle?

    Before accutane my nose would never bleed at all. Now when the weather is dry or I have been blowing my nose a lot from allergies I will be guaranteed a few nose bleeds. And the weird thing is it only happens on the left nostril.
  10. warkhawk

    arm size everyone cold flexed

    Hold on let me get my synthol....
  11. warkhawk

    Anyone ever take accutane on cycle?

    I took it in hs also, Bones hurt for the first month. Nose bleeds every day. Lips were chapped all the time. Had to put aquaphor,.chapstick was pussy shit. If I didn't have the aquaphor on my lips felt like they were on fire. Blood tests every month. No mood swings or cottonmouth. Don't...
  12. warkhawk

    Roid gut....................?

    Who do you think from the pros has it the worst?
  13. warkhawk

    Anyone else notice the gym is a lil more empty right now?

    Love Friday night's, Sat/Sun mornings. Everyone's either at the club or bar. Then everyone's hungover or sleeping in.
  14. warkhawk

    Reusing syringes....can I use the same one twice ?

    Re-use a pin to save 20 bucks, but then has to spend hundreds because it got infected. No sense whatsoever.
  15. warkhawk

    Anyone else notice the gym is a lil more empty right now?

    When I was in college, the gym would get ridiculously packed 2 weeks before spring break. I'm like really??? 2 weeks is not gonna do shit.