Anyone ever take accutane on cycle?


New member
Even though the acne I got from Test-e wasn't so bad and it went away as soon as I finished PCT, I would like to be 100% clear next summer when I do my test/tren cycle. Was thinking of keeping the dosage low since it is really expensive. Like 20mg every three days just for prevention.
I am against accutane cuz I took it as a teen and it's really harsh on you.

I had to get blood work every two weeks while on it.
Bloody noses
Super dry cracked skin
Cotton mouth
Does anyone know that you can not be in the sun extended periods of time while on it?
Mood swings

I recommend doxycycline 100mg ed. It's cheaper then accutane, less harsh, and gets the job done. Doc put me on it after my first cycle ( I get horrible body acne while on) and it cleared me up within 30 days
I did two treatments of Accutane as a teen. Not that bad. I experienced nose bleeds (still do but I highly doubt its from Accutane), skin was fine, and mood swings I can't comment on. I was a teenager and every teenager has those. Monthly bloodwork for me. I think it was assumed way worse than it actually is. Unless you have a history of psychological issues, I wouldn't think it would hurt. You could always try and if you feel crummy, discontinue use. It was the only thing that cleared up my skin.
I'd try something milder/without terrible sides unless you have really bad cystic acne problems. Oral tetracycline should probably do the trick.
Yep 20mg EOD, little to no sides...slightly elevated liver enzymes. DO NOT run with orals. Using Vitamin E daily with it helps with sides.
I am against accutane cuz I took it as a teen and it's really harsh on you.

I had to get blood work every two weeks while on it.
Bloody noses
Super dry cracked skin
Cotton mouth
Does anyone know that you can not be in the sun extended periods of time while on it?
Mood swings

I recommend doxycycline 100mg ed. It's cheaper then accutane, less harsh, and gets the job done. Doc put me on it after my first cycle ( I get horrible body acne while on) and it cleared me up within 30 days

I took it in hs also,

Bones hurt for the first month.
Nose bleeds every day.
Lips were chapped all the time. Had to put aquaphor,.chapstick was pussy shit. If I didn't have the aquaphor on my lips felt like they were on fire.
Blood tests every month.
No mood swings or cottonmouth.

Don't remember my dosage, I want to say it was 50mg.
I took it in hs also,

Bones hurt for the first month.
Nose bleeds every day.
Lips were chapped all the time. Had to put aquaphor,.chapstick was pussy shit. If I didn't have the aquaphor on my lips felt like they were on fire.
Blood tests every month.
No mood swings or cottonmouth.

Don't remember my dosage, I want to say it was 50mg.

I'm still saying get the doxycycline.
Lol! Lotion did nothing to my dry skin. The only thing that helped was gallons of baby oil after a shower
Nothing like SPF 75 during football practice and Vaseline up my nose while I slept or I'd get nose bleeds in the middle of the night.
I'd try something milder/without terrible sides unless you have really bad cystic acne problems. Oral tetracycline should probably do the trick.

best advice you will ever get. Do a google search on things like " accutane fucked me up" " accutane fucked my life" and things like this. You will just love what you see.
Before accutane my nose would never bleed at all.
Now when the weather is dry or I have been blowing my nose a lot from allergies I will be guaranteed a few nose bleeds. And the weird thing is it only happens on the left nostril.
best advice you will ever get. Do a google search on things like " accutane fucked me up" " accutane fucked my life" and things like this. You will just love what you see.

replace the word Accutane with steroids and you'll get the same kind of results.

Accutane works and the only thing that worked for me. as an adult from cycling.
I get it all over my back , shoulders and then chest, even below my boobs on my upper stomach.

My face stays clear. ( there is a god)
Like others have said - you really need to do a lot of research about Accutane and clearly understand how dangerous/harmful the side affects can be! There are much safer alternatives available to you. Please do more research!
I used accutane in highschool also. Amazing stuff, cleared me right up and had perfect skin for years until i did my first cycle. Ill be goin back on it soon!

I've tried doxycycline since my last cycle, didnt do anything for me. Remember Accutane is a drug, just like anything else you put into your body it comes with a huge list of side effects. You might get none, you might get one or you might get the whole bag. If your like alot of us, and nothing else works for you, then try it and see how you go. If you can handle the sides beauty, your all good. If not just stop it. As long as your doc is doing your bloodwork you'll be fine.
My only side effect was dried lips... Managed with lip balm. That and i burnt a bit easier in the sun.
I get bad acne on my back. And it's pretty damn hard to control. But I really do not want to use Accutane or anything that has side effects. Lol I just use anti acne body wash, mask, and those face wash pads. Lol it doesn't really help though. It makes it better but its still noticeable. I need to look into other methods to. I just don't want to put my liver through hell over Accutane. It just doesn't seem worth it to me. Id rather have the acne even if I get little scars from it.
All the harsh sides all seem to occur with higher dosages but like I said, I won't go past 20mg. Being able to cycle without a pimple sounds like a dream