Anyone ever hurt themselves using steriods?


New member
Has anyone had like heart problems? Liver or kidney problems because of steriods? I have used steriods and have not abused them, always taken time off and have been fine for about 10 years but now I'm going into my 30s and I worry more now then I once did.
When I was younger and didn't know better, yes. Permanent erectile dysfunction, hyperpigmentation, gynecomastia and various injuries due to underestimating strength gains. I've reached near thrombotic stages, but never developed DVP. Had liver problems but nothing that was to a dangerous stage or unmanageable. I was born with an irregular heartbeat and never had any issues with it.
When I was younger and didn't know better, yes. Permanent erectile dysfunction, hyperpigmentation, gynecomastia and various injuries due to underestimating strength gains. I've reached near thrombotic stages, but never developed DVP. Had liver problems but nothing that was to a dangerous stage or unmanageable. I was born with an irregular heartbeat and never had any issues with it.

Damn that sounds horrible Austinite, care to explain when the Permanent erectile dysfunction started and by which mistakes?
Never injured while lifting, but 2 torn rotator cuffs playing baseball as well as many pulled hammy`s. Didnt know winstrol decreased fluid in the joints when i was younger just liked being lean. You live and you learn
Gyno to the point of both mammaries being removed. 1990

Physiological/mental dependency for over 5 years back in the mid 80 s.

Blew out herniah pulling 600 at a light 196 in a 198 class powermeet.

I m sure this body has more to add.
Couldn't handle the strength gains on my first cycle, tried to lift with my ego and damaged my rotator cuff..luckily no permanent damage, it healed over4-6 weeks but lesson was learned
Damn that sounds horrible Austinite, care to explain when the Permanent erectile dysfunction started and by which mistakes?

Just a potential side effect. It started when I was 22 and was permanent at 25 years old. High estrogen, no hCG, high hCT for prolonged periods, I'm sure are all factors. That and an underdeveloped endocrine system.
Never injured while lifting, but 2 torn rotator cuffs playing baseball as well as many pulled hammy`s. Didnt know winstrol decreased fluid in the joints when i was younger just liked being lean. You live and you learn

- tore my rotator on winny, lost my scholarship.
Gyno to the point of both mammaries being removed. 1990

Physiological/mental dependency for over 5 years back in the mid 80 s.

Blew out herniah pulling 600 at a light 196 in a 198 class powermeet.

I m sure this body has more to add.

- mammaries permanently removed?.. what does that entail?
Extreme cases of gyno sometimes require surgery to correct the problem. I feel your pain with the rotator
Just recently I got too enthusiastic about setting a high-bar squat PR every single leg day (which is every 4-5th day for me on cycle)

Right VMO is in pretty bad shape...should probably see a doctor now that it hasn't improved in 10+ days I suppose :(
Lol can't we all just pretend steroids are safe and don't have any bad side effects for a day. You guys are going to give me a panic attack! Lol I personally have had my liver values pretty high and had to stop a cycle 7 days into it. But it was because I was using pro hormones and decided to combine three of them at once. It was actually half wit and a few other guys on here who talked me into stopping it once I started getting really bad pains in my right rib cage area.

I also have one nipple that is slightly larger than the other one now :(. The normal person wouldn't even notice it. I just do because I focus on it. I have had a enlarged prostate I think for a while before. I could barley take a piss. It was because I ran a testosterone cycle with no AI cause I was young and thought nolvadex was a aromatase inhibitor. I have experienced pretty severe depression before after stopping a heavy pro hormone cycle. I also get a really short temper and have to be careful with strong DHT derivatives. And my testosterone levels are low from doing to many cycles.

Most my significant problems occurred from pro hormones not steroids. Well they are classified as steroids now. The pro hormones that were really popular around 5 to 6 years ago were no joke. Superdrol and certain forms of the pro hormone Tren were powerful compounds. I honestly would not be surprised if some of the pro's and NPC competitors still use certain pro hormones.
Limp dick and a bruised ego, but thankfully those weren't permanent. Except for my nickname of Con-roid among my friends. Cant complain too much I guess.....
yes. Permanent erectile dysfunction

Dont you mean permanent vaginal dysfunction?

Mind if I steal this thread?I noticed I have started to breath more heavy 8weeks into my cycle. And mt left side chest sometimes feels heavy, not like if a got an elephant standing on my chest but more like a cute cat.
I dont have any irregular rhytm or so, but I am guessing high BP is what I got at as a side-effect the moment?
Had a scare bout two years ago. Went to the doc cause of a chest pain. Hooked me up to all those wires they stick all over you and the test came back very irregular. Sent me to get an altra sound or whatever it's called on my heart. I was freaking out that night cause all I could think about was that it had to do with roids. Back when I was younger I had a problem with coke. I did a lot of coke while on roids ! Anyway, I did have an enlarged heart ! But not from roids or coke. It was from many years of sports and mma fighting. It's called athletes heart. It's where one side is a little larger then the other side. The pain in my chest turned out to be a slightly pulled chest muscle.
Had a scare bout two years ago. Went to the doc cause of a chest pain. Hooked me up to all those wires they stick all over you and the test came back very irregular. Sent me to get an altra sound or whatever it's called on my heart. I was freaking out that night cause all I could think about was that it had to do with roids. Back when I was younger I had a problem with coke. I did a lot of coke while on roids ! Anyway, I did have an enlarged heart ! But not from roids or coke. It was from many years of sports and mma fighting. It's called athletes heart. It's where one side is a little larger then the other side. The pain in my chest turned out to be a slightly pulled chest muscle.

Left ventricular hypertrophy. Steroids and coke CAN and DO contribute to its development.