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  • Looking for some diet help. I have worked out for 5 years not on a shitty diet and made some pretty good gains but I'm trinyg to get my diet right so I can get the maximum out of my workouts.
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 140
    BMR: 1595.0

    What I'm basically looking for is a sample diet or something I can follow. One big problem is I am a pretty picky eater and last time I tried to eat healthy I end up eatting the same food everyday for most meals. Gets old real quick. Hopefully you can help me out.
    honestly im on probation with stonecold but squat and roidsin me are being fucking tools on the first cycle thread
    sum dude boston said u might be able to help me . i take hgh daily {somatropin} half cc. im 21 yr old 6'2 185 im gonna run cyp. n dbols ne advice
    Hey send me PM I am in transition from football and fighter to power lifter want all info I can get and whats all it takes to get your info to help me
    hey can u help I am

    19 years old

    153 lbs
    1601.2 bmr
    2481.86 tdee

    goals: gain lots of muscle mass. about 15-20 pounds at least. Not trying to look rediculously huge. But I basically want a ripped body.

    workout days:
    1- chest/triceps
    2- back/ biceps

    im in college and the food is all different everyday sorry. but mostly get a good source of protein-meat, like chicken. Then get pasta. And the rest veggies. Cup of water. Juice. and after workouts choc milk

    Taking myozene 1 scoop after workouts mixed with half cup of myofusion protein. ANAVITE vitamins.superpump max pre workout.
    hello so i ran var for about 2 weeks at 2.5mg i did not like it cause i was doing better before ... i did gain weight about 8 pounds might be muscle , but i just have not felt right espcially cause of my stomach and i just wanted some advice on a diet were i can just feel less empty. at least for a week to try and loose weight it feels like i am holding a lot of water.

    i am 21 weight 130-132 height 5'5 before var i weighted 119-120
    i wont lie i did eat crapy as well and that might of put me in more weight , but i never stopped working out.

    i workout just about 6-7 days week boot camp , BJJ, and MMA

    i am a hard worker but Var really messed me all up. it made me more hungry and i just really did not like it. i would like you to help me.
    hi 3j nice info bro just need your help with my diet i m 6'1 214lbs and i do workout 5 day extreme heavy workout with minimum 3 -5 days cardio with it bt still cant make any big diffrence in my body my diet is good bt unbalanced so plz need your help to make it clean and right so i shread some pounds thx
    Hello bro its Oliver Thank you a lot for reading my last thread, some people adviced me to contact you about my diet,and today I just saw a reply from you that
    (you need a diet bro,you need a nutritionist,you need someone to teach you how to eat)
    I would like to have some help and some advices from you, what information should I give bro? so you can help me to have a good diet.
    Looking forward to hear from you.
    Thanks again bro.
    Hello/// I need your help please :-) Need a fat stripping diet, I seem to carry it round the middle. God strong legs, really good solid arms.. can't shift the middle.

    26 year old female, 5'5, 58 kgs, 20% BF- Weight train 5 times a week at 6am, lift heavy. Cardio HIIT 3 times per week.

    Diet as follows: shake after train

    meal 1-6 egg whites
    meal 2-protein shake/bar, few strawberries
    meal 3-chicken with sweet ptoato
    meal 4- Tuna with brown pasta
    meal 5- Turkey steaks with green veg
    protein shake before bed.

    These are small meals, every couple of hours, keeps sugar cravings at bay as well. I'm constantly hungry though.. not so much on a rest day though.

    I have ordered some N2slin and alpha t2 which I will stack when they arrive next week. Was looking at clen but decided not to as got bad headaches from t3 so had to stop-shame really. Please could you tweek or advise? Really appreciate it :-)
    I was reading through the post and you have great advice on diet. I was a Personal Trainer (lived in the gym) for 5 years after I had my first 2 kids. I was one of those women who got caught up in being mom and forgot about taking care of me. I got fit (AMAZING) with the help of a trainer who took me from FAT to AMAZING (still work to be done.). Got re-married and had another baby.he is 18 months old now.no longer P.T. ended in 2008. About a year ago my husband decides he wants a sweet looking body and I got him looking great. I am having a hard time with myself.I am pissed. I am getting my BMI stats this weekend.via BODPOD. I want to get back to 13% BF(that is where I was when we met) I had a nice body. By no means was it perfect but I was happy! I hurt my back in 07 training for a competition (L4 L5 S1) so I have to be very careful training. I could use some advice.I know this is a lot of info.. but I thought it would help to know where I have been to know where I want to go.Thanks
    am 22 years old am new here and i weight 147 and i dont have any idea on what steroids to use is alot that they are selling at my gym man and i dont want to be this skinny dude anymore am tired what should i take to gain serious muscle gain not water retention
    Are you talking' CANNED sweet potatoes in all your recommendations, if not how do you prepare the fresh ones. Thx.
    are u in T.O. if yes pm me. Im looking for a diet and routine.
    hey mate
    ive been reading though this sie and its many different forums and can see your the person to talk to about diets, im 5'10 70kgs and want to be 75-80kg i dont have much body fat pretty lean figure i do work shift which tends to kill me about 12 hour days and 12 hour nights.... but still manage to lift every day... any help to get me to my size would be great

    thanks heaps
    Hey 3J I read your dieting post and think you really know what your talking about. I also saw your favorite bulk cycle is test/tren/anavar. I was wanting to do a winter mass cycle. This will be my fourth cycle. I have been training off and on for 10 years now. I am 27 6' 205 about 11%BF. Here is my cycle and my diet plan I am on right now. I will up my calorie intake about a month before I start to about 4000 calories. Any advice would be great. Thank you so much.

    Prop 150mg EOD 1-12
    Tren Ace 150mg EOD 4-12
    Dbol 40mg ED 1-4
    Winny Tabs 50mg ED 6-12
    .5mg Anastrozole ED 1-12

    10:00- breakfast
    5 Egg Whites
    2 Bread 240

    8 Ounce Chicken
    1 Potato

    2:30-WORK OUT
    4:30- Protein
    2 scoops shake
    1 Cup Skim Milk

    8 Ounce Chicken
    ¼ Cup Rice

    12:30- Casein Protein
    2 scoops shake
    1 Cup Skim Milk

    2:00- sleep

    Total Fat 32.5 grams 293 cal 12%
    Total Carbs 210 grams 840 cal 36%
    Total Protein 308 grams 1232 cal 52%
    Total Calories 2500
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