1/2 Way through 1st cycle gains slowing down


New member
As the title of this thread reads, I am midway through my 1st Test E cycle and although I have gained 11lbs so far, the gains have slowed down this last 2 weeks.

I am pretty sure that it is diet related, and that even though I have been eating 250g protein/day, I just need to eat more calories.

My training since the start of the cycle has been super intense, but I was finding that I was unable to keep that pace after the forth week and so need to change my routine.

Just wanted to ask if this is a common phenomenon and what the best course of corrective action would be.

Many thanks,
the bigger you get the more calories you need to keep growing so you should add calories accordingly

make sure you dont over train

you cant keep up the pace now...you mean you get tired easily? sleepy etc?
its a sign of growing estrogen lvls so its a good idea to throw in an AI
Thanks for the reply. I should've said, I have been taking Aromasin @ 6mg/day and estrogen is now under control nicely (nipples were beginnging to become painful + some bloat - thankfully now gone).

I wake up each morning feeling like I have slept way too deeply and takes me an hour just to wake up. I have just been feeling drained, less energy at the gym, so not giving it100%. Not really lethargy, just exhaustion. Upping the cals as much as I can.

Training everyother day, all compound lifts - balls to the wall 'til failure.

Just started hCG this morning, as my balls are getting uncomfortable.
the bigger you get the more food you need , if you have gotten bigger then yu need more calories.