1-ad information needed....


Not Juice..Protein Shakes
i heard bits and pieces of 1-ad and im thinkin about tryin it but i wanna get every bit of information about it first.

can someone post all the info i need??
side effects, does it convert to testosterone, where can i get it, wuts the goin price, wuts a good dosage for a begginer that wants to bulk up, etc......
I think that you should try and bulk up more naturally, before messing around with prohormones.

Also, make sure you know what you're getting into, and don't rush into things you may soon regret. Read up on some of the past threads in the forum aswell to enhance your knowledge on the subject, which seems quite limited at this point.
Dude, don't spend your money on it. I did a cycle of it and wish I wouldn't have. I'm 19 years old too and all it did was made me tired and drowsy. What little I gained I lost almost as soon as I quit taking it. Also, I lost a lot of my sex drive (not that my girlfriend has sex with me anyways). But when we did fool around, I wasn't in the mood to do much and it didn't last too long. I'd say just wait and use what your body is naturally producing right now. Your natural test is in high gear right now so just give it time.
man, no matter how much you guys are right and how much your trying to help....i hate those damn anwsers lol