1-testosterone Dihydroboldenone experience?


New member
A very powerful compound looks like a (weaker) Tren version without side effects if not the big PIP that it can cause, somebody have experience with it? Dosage results etc? I'm trying it right now at 400mg x week pip is not that high If you mix it with Deca or Eq
I always laugh at people who want tips and experiences while actually using the product
I always laugh at people who want tips and experiences while actually using the product

What is wrong listening other people experience while using a product? My response can be different to yours and to other people :)) DHB is not common steroid used i think due to his "difficult" reperibility but very promising compound.
What is wrong listening other people experience while using a product? My response can be different to yours and to other people :)) DHB is not common steroid used i think due to his "difficult" reperibility but very promising compound.

What if while you are using it you ask this question and everyone says after the 3rd or 4th shot their dicks fell off?

Ask for experiences before you start injecting a foreign substance in your body
The dick fell of part must be what they mean by "for the advanced user". After the first time your dick falls off it really isn't a problem anymore.
Came in this thread to actually find some useful experiences, apparently flaming is more helpful these days?

Bump for anyone wanting to post exp. on this stuff, have been thinking about trying to get a couple of vials of it but have no access to it and nobody has heard of it that I know of atleast. From what I know, somewhere in between Test and EQ in terms of effects.
What if while you are using it you ask this question and everyone says after the 3rd or 4th shot their dicks fell off?

Ask for experiences before you start injecting a foreign substance in your body

Make fucking sense to me. I don't want m dick falling off. It not like steroid don't cause impotence if not used propperly.

Anyone's dick fall off yet?
I've been on it now for 4 weeks @ 600mg a week, I homebrewed it with MCT (75mg/ml) and the pip isn't that bad with heat pad.

I feel full and strong af on deficit. vascular and nice rounded shoulders its like a EQ version of tren, my stamina is great, slightly thermogenic at nice with carbs. I like my look but I could pair with mast and get shredded.

ALSO - my sleep has been fucking amazing, I use fitbit tracker and my REM cycle and deep sleep are up 15-20% and 10%!
steroids will cause impotence if not properly used, its common sense man.
and no, my pecker has not fallen off yet, but i bet alot of newbies have or at least ceased to be active and raise to attention in a sight of a girl. or boy lol.