1000mg testosterone vs 500mg... whose tried it?


New member
Hope to get some input from those that have tried both 500mg and 1000mg of Test a week...

Specifically.. sides vs gains
It would all depend on cycle history.

People pinning 1 gram of Test do so because they have steadily climbed up to that dosage from running numerous cycles.

You only need to raise your dosage a small amount each time. That way you can learn how the small increases in Test affect your E2 levels, HCT, liver profiles etc etc

Jumping straight to a gram is not just stupid, it's a waste of money, dangerous and unnecessary.

Cycle clever - or don't cycle at all!
On 500mg wk, I dont need an AI. A gram wk and over I get an extremely bloated gut, mood swings etc. Gains are dose dependent, so I get more from a gram of test wk, but also more sides.
On 500mg wk, I dont need an AI. A gram wk and over I get an extremely bloated gut, mood swings etc. Gains are dose dependent, so I get more from a gram of test wk, but also more sides.

That sounds like you need to check your e2 when you run the higher dose then. Up your ai sounds like to me.
Can't top what Ben said. I can only add that there comes a point where sides just aren't manageable, even WITH pharmaceutical assistance. GIGANTIC cycles can yield great results when needed, but it's some serious work in managing just blood pressure alone - regardless of how great estradiol is managed. :spin:
I will be attempting a 500mg soon (I hope my order is legit and comes soon.)

Recently, I've discovered that finding a legit source is actually very difficult.
I ran 1200 over the winter but I've been cycling for years my friend. That was the highest I've ever gone and I loved it. Keep in mind I don't always run my test higher then other substances. Just that particular time I did.
I have ran 500, 1g, 1.5g of test, albeit with other compounds alongside as well. I will say this. If you REALLY know what your doing in the nutrition and training department you can make 500mg/wk do wonderful things with out any of the annoying sides that can happen once you start pushing a gram and above. More gear doesn't equal better results, running a bit of gear along side busting you fucking ass off equals better results ;)

Edit: 500mg and 1g many times.
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^^^now that's healthy thinking and I'm with it 110% Shredder!!
I'm sure some of the folks at the Arnold, which is where I'll be today(columbus ohio), have ran both 500& 1000mg/wk. What's the odds of me unknowingly running into any of you fine gents there today?? Just curious.
Oh yeah, I've had great results on TRT, mostly of course when I first started...but still, case in point stated= diet, train, rest
^^^now that's healthy thinking and I'm with it 110% Shredder!!
I'm sure some of the folks at the Arnold, which is where I'll be today(columbus ohio), have ran both 500& 1000mg/wk. What's the odds of me unknowingly running into any of you fine gents there today?? Just curious.
Oh yeah, I've had great results on TRT, mostly of course when I first started...but still, case in point stated= diet, train, rest

I have been able to maintain what Ive built on a blast then build more once everything levels out on a dose of 250mg/wk. So to think you need these crazy amounts of gear to grow is utter nonsense. I was of the though at one point that you did need a ton of gear but its bullshit. Health is number one, yes. Building muscle is also number one, provided we are healthy and can stay healthy while doing it.
I have been able to maintain what Ive built on a blast then build more once everything levels out on a dose of 250mg/wk. So to think you need these crazy amounts of gear to grow is utter nonsense. I was of the though at one point that you did need a ton of gear but its bullshit. Health is number one, yes. Building muscle is also number one, provided we are healthy and can stay healthy while doing it.

Agreed bro! There needs to be more posts like this from the experienced for the newcomers. Yes, it's about staying healthy and staying alive. Too heavy doses of these compounds can and will kill...sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Put the work in for the desired results and let AAS enhance those results:-)
Agreed bro! There needs to be more posts like this from the experienced for the newcomers. Yes, it's about staying healthy and staying alive. Too heavy doses of these compounds can and will kill...sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Put the work in for the desired results and let AAS enhance those results:-)

Well its sad because we have the youtube stars now like Loyd, Piana, and even some yahoos on these forums that have these ridiculous ideas of how cycling should be done and its so back asswards its not even funny. The most fucked up part is young kids and even older guys buy into it, even though both of those guys look like complete shit, they are not pros, they have done nothing competitively, yet people idolize them, its nuts. I see dudes at the gym that are rocking the 5% duds, are obviously on some cycle because they are so bloated its not even funny. Its insane, and they think theyre cool. Oh man I could go on forever, lol, but at the end of he day people need to be educated on what the deal really is and not some bullshit myth you need all this gear to be cool or whatever the hell is going on.
....and it's important when u said you used to think it took tons of gear to get results. I mean, I did too. Thankfully I learned on this site that that's NOT THE CASE. Thank God, otherwise there may be grass growing 6 feet above m head right now. So yeah, getting the word out, that contradicts the YouTube idols is utmost importAnt. I think the mass majority, in the beginning would think, "the more juice, the better". And then to be misleadby some deucebags would be critically dangerous.
Yup. At the end of the day steroids are safe, provided they are used correctly. If used in incorrectly they can cause numerous health issue you may not be able to reverse. I also think most people have a misconception of what the pros actually use. They see these huge massive, human specimens and assume theyre just pumping grams and grams of gear so that's what they do. At the end of the day these pros didn't get to where they are by using steroids, they are genetically gifted freaks of nature who have busted their ass doing what they love, and although steroids are used, they are the last part of that equation.

Im all about the use of steroids if used correctly, they are a wonderful thing that can be used for many different purposes.
I have run test at 500mg ,700mg , 800mg and 1000mg . To be fully honest , id say over 700mg or so .. i never noticed a difference . in fact i started noticing only negative sides at over that. Puffy nipples , lethargy from too much estrogen , no difference realy in strength or gains .. so for me personally ... only the negatives came out after 700mg or so .
FWIW guys... I'm currently running 1g Test E approaching 10 weeks out from a show....

I bridged a Test E and Deca cycle into my 16 week prep, dropping the Deca to medicinal dose 2 weeks ago.

At 8 weeks I'll drop Test E to 500mg, switch to Prop at 4 weeks @ 100mg EOD and then I'll probably drop Test totally around a week out.

Obviously there's a few other compounds in there too, but seeing as we are talking Test doses, I thought I'd share mine.

Bear in mind I am experienced and have ran numerous cycles in the past.
I go along with the fact running more than 750mgs for the average guy doesn't give you anymore benefit.

HOWEVER, the pros run much, much more due to the fact that they are mostly blasting and cruising. Their cycles are long a lot of the time. Remember they are eating massive amounts of calories and for the most part some beastly training. This does fluctuate. They are synthesizing so much food. Also the added strength that CAN come from the big doses, considering of course the diet is of that of the pro's.

I will tell you that I have run very long cycles with doses up to 1800mgs - 2grams of Test only. No stack! My strength just really kicked me in my ass when I was up that high. Sides were very hard to control. I don't suggest this high dose except if you have been cycling for many years and the cycle is more than 6 months. Again not suggesting. Also at my age it was hard to keep sustain the cycle without upping the dose. I hit a real plateau at 1,200 to 1,500 mgs. But started moving with strength and energy when I got to 2 grams

Ah ha I'm sorry the short of the answer was answered by everyone, NO need to go higher for you anytime soon.
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FWIW guys... I'm currently running 1g Test E approaching 10 weeks out from a show....

I bridged a Test E and Deca cycle into my 16 week prep, dropping the Deca to medicinal dose 2 weeks ago.

At 8 weeks I'll drop Test E to 500mg, switch to Prop at 4 weeks @ 100mg EOD and then I'll probably drop Test totally around a week out.

Obviously there's a few other compounds in there too, but seeing as we are talking Test doses, I thought I'd share mine.

Bear in mind I am experienced and have ran numerous cycles in the past.

Nice B. Curious as to what other compounds....GD!!
Important statement noted, he has run numerous cycles in the past. So don't try this at home if you aint!
Nice B. Curious as to what other compounds....GD!!
Important statement noted, he has run numerous cycles in the past. So don't try this at home if you aint!

Tren Ace @ 70mg ED - weeks 8-0
Masteron E is in the mix already @ 800mg, switching to Mast prop weeks 4-0 @ 80-100mg ED
EC stack - weeks 16-8
T3 @ 50mcg weeks 8-0
Clen - weeks 8-6 and 4-2
Winstrol - weeks 4-0
Letro - weeks 2-0