1000mg testosterone vs 500mg... whose tried it?

I go along with the fact running more than 750mgs for the average guy doesn't give you anymore benefit.

HOWEVER, the pros run much, much more due to the fact that they are mostly blasting and cruising. Their cycles are long a lot of the time. Remember they are eating massive amounts of calories and for the most part some beastly training. This does fluctuate. They are synthesizing so much food. Also the added strength that CAN come from the big doses, considering of course the diet is of that of the pro's.

I will tell you that I have run very long cycles with doses up to 1800mgs - 2grams of Test only. No stack! My strength just really kicked me in my ass when I was up that high. Sides were very hard to control. I don't suggest this high dose except if you have been cycling for many years and the cycle is more than 6 months. Again not suggesting. Also at my age it was hard to keep sustain the cycle without upping the dose. I hit a real plateau at 1,200 to 1,500 mgs. But started moving with strength and energy when I got to 2 grams

Ah ha I'm sorry the short of the answer was answered by everyone, NO need to go higher for you anytime soon.

How your heart didnt getting bigger ? 2 gr test 6 months is a lot
FWIW guys... I'm currently running 1g Test E approaching 10 weeks out from a show....

I bridged a Test E and Deca cycle into my 16 week prep, dropping the Deca to medicinal dose 2 weeks ago.

At 8 weeks I'll drop Test E to 500mg, switch to Prop at 4 weeks @ 100mg EOD and then I'll probably drop Test totally around a week out.

Obviously there's a few other compounds in there too, but seeing as we are talking Test doses, I thought I'd share mine.

Bear in mind I am experienced and have ran numerous cycles in the past.

So when u run the high dose, say 1 gram a week, do you get bad sides even if you control your estrogen. It seems I've heard a lot lately people saying that the sides come on high doses either way, whether estro is controlled or not. It seems to me like that is BS. But I've never run a gram. What u say?
So when u run the high dose, say 1 gram a week, do you get bad sides even if you control your estrogen. It seems I've heard a lot lately people saying that the sides come on high doses either way, whether estro is controlled or not. It seems to me like that is BS. But I've never run a gram. What u say?

Me personally, I didn't notice any extra sides at 1g, but like I said previously, I've worked up to that dosage over years of progressive cycling.....

2 x 500mg cycles, 1 x 600mg cycle, 3 x 750mg cycles, 1 x 800mg cycle - and then I jumped to a gram.

The only sides that did appear where when I was given some bunk Adex. But I managed to jump all over that ASAP.
So when u run the high dose, say 1 gram a week, do you get bad sides even if you control your estrogen. It seems I've heard a lot lately people saying that the sides come on high doses either way, whether estro is controlled or not. It seems to me like that is BS. But I've never run a gram. What u say?

Androstenedione is a byproduct of natural conversion in the body, much like estradiol. It too raises blood pressure in higher amounts, and without some very nasty drugs, is very hard to control. I've pushed the envelope to over 2.5g of test, and kept estradiol in the low 30's - yet with an actual sodium DEFICIENCY - was still pushing my bp way too high.

Risk vs reward.

Besides, that shit gets expensive when you're dumping an entire vial into your body a week! :wiggle:
Androstenedione is a byproduct of natural conversion in the body, much like estradiol. It too raises blood pressure in higher amounts, and without some very nasty drugs, is very hard to control. I've pushed the envelope to over 2.5g of test, and kept estradiol in the low 30's - yet with an actual sodium DEFICIENCY - was still pushing my bp way too high.

Risk vs reward.

Besides, that shit gets expensive when you're dumping an entire vial into your body a week! :wiggle:

That's bat shit crazy! I hear ya on blowing the funds tho....not a cheap habit at that level
So now I gotta ask HW & B, after running that high a dose of test, does a lower dose still do the job for ya? Say TRT dose? Is yours 250mgs like normal or does it have to be a higher dose to be effective??
Me personally, I didn't notice any extra sides at 1g, but like I said previously, I've worked up to that dosage over years of progressive cycling.....

2 x 500mg cycles, 1 x 600mg cycle, 3 x 750mg cycles, 1 x 800mg cycle - and then I jumped to a gram.

The only sides that did appear where when I was given some bunk Adex. But I managed to jump all over that ASAP.

Same here
How your heart didnt getting bigger ? 2 gr test 6 months is a lot

I monitored my BP and I had several BW tests done due to my doctor watching my Diabetes Type II. It isn't good bot not alarmingly high. So I was a few years younger. Ha! It was a good cycle but it was costing too much. :wiggle:

Like halfwit said.
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So now I gotta ask HW & B, after running that high a dose of test, does a lower dose still do the job for ya? Say TRT dose? Is yours 250mgs like normal or does it have to be a higher dose to be effective??
I am currently on my TRT dose of test at 250mg/wk with my therapeutic dose of deca at 200mg, and there isn't any atrophy. I'm obviously not as strong right now, but we can't always be super man. ;)

I honestly like to utilize multiple compounds more than just a huge dose of test. While I'll still push large doses of AAS per week in total, I find it far more manageable when it's 600-800mg each of say test/mast/deca/tren/etc.

I'm not a collosus like the pros, but at 325-340lbs, I do require bigger doses than most to continue to progress. :)
I am currently on my TRT dose of test at 250mg/wk with my therapeutic dose of deca at 200mg, and there isn't any atrophy. I'm obviously not as strong right now, but we can't always be super man. ;)

I honestly like to utilize multiple compounds more than just a huge dose of test. While I'll still push large doses of AAS per week in total, I find it far more manageable when it's 600-800mg each of say test/mast/deca/tren/etc.

I'm not a collosus like the pros, but at 325-340lbs, I do require bigger doses than most to continue to progress. :)

I love Deca for it's the therapeutic properties. It helps me even when I'm not lifting. All my joints are bad no due to osteoarthritis . So Test and Deca go really great for me. Halfwit do you know what your natty Test level is ? I wanted to go on TRT but me at 540 they won't hear of it.

Not trying to highjack your thread OP. Just wondering halfwit.
So now I gotta ask HW & B, after running that high a dose of test, does a lower dose still do the job for ya? Say TRT dose? Is yours 250mgs like normal or does it have to be a higher dose to be effective??

My cruise dose is 250mg Test and 250 Deca... I can maintain quite easily on this and run a minimal AI throughout.
I do have some Test suspension that I like to blast on leg days from time to time if I'm planning a grueller... but other than that, my cruise dose suits me just fine.

The Deca serves my needs well, as I have Grade IV arthritis in both elbows from my naïve days when I tried to lift too heavy. Lesson learnt!
I love Deca for it's the therapeutic properties. It helps me even when I'm not lifting. All my joints are bad no due to osteoarthritis . So Test and Deca go really great for me. Halfwit do you know what your natty Test level is ? I wanted to go on TRT but me at 540 they won't hear of it.

Not trying to highjack your thread OP. Just wondering halfwit.

Many years of manual labor in my youth has left me with arthritis in my knees, spine, and back. Deca has helped so tremendously, I hardly notice it, except on "cold" (50's lol) days.

I'm primary hypogonadal, and my natural testosterone was at 120ng/dL when I finally was diagnosed. Yeah, 540ng/dL is pretty much out of consideration, unless you go to a vitality clinic or online cash service. If you're feeling good at that level though, I'd just keep doing PCT personally after a cycle. :)
I dunno if I am.just prone.to.juice lol but ran up to 1500mg test/week without bad sides at all.other then being.extremely horny and felt.great in the gym
Like.schreeder said tho I think 500-750mg is suitable if.diet.and training is there, I was expecting.a lot.more.from 1500mg/test a week for.strength, but.nothing.that tren.ace can't match at only.300mg/week lol
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Over the past 8 or 9 years my test dose has gone from 500 to 750. I am planning on upping the dose this year to 800. Yes I will use other compounds tren or deca at about 500. But even if I ran test solo I would still keep it at 800.
1000mg? Maybe one day but we shall see.
I don't think there is a huge difference anyways going.from 750mg/week to 1000mg
That's just me.tho
I.handle.sides relatively good as I dunno if it's just because I am a recovering alkie/drugs
People talk when there on tren how they get all.anxious and really bad sides, I personally don't get like that other then the aggression but I love the feeling (weird) lol
I.am.also on effexor as.well.which could.Def.help with the anxious feeling better seem.to get on juice
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On 500mg wk, I dont need an AI. A gram wk and over I get an extremely bloated gut, mood swings etc. Gains are dose dependent, so I get more from a gram of test wk, but also more sides.
thats such bullshit. how the fuck don't you need an AI when your testosterone is like 5 times that of a normal male? you know your body has a hormonal balance system between e2 and testosterone right? some guys' are different than others in the big picture, but you have GOT to need at least some AI when you're on 500mgs of test

back on topic, i think 1000mgs of test is a total fucking waste. i've done it once and i just looked like a bloated cunt even with my e2 in check. you'd make better gains with 500 test and 500 deca anyway for a few extra bucks
I'm a big fan of test not being higher than 750mg and making up the rest with compounds that give me less sides. I.e. deca, eq, mast, tren, var.

Strangely the only tren side i seem to get is shorter temper...which is easily controlled!
thats such bullshit. how the fuck don't you need an AI when your testosterone is like 5 times that of a normal male? you know your body has a hormonal balance system between e2 and testosterone right? some guys' are different than others in the big picture, but you have GOT to need at least some AI when you're on 500mgs of test

I dont need AI on 500mg and I have the bloodwork to prove it, E stays at the upper bound limit and T levels approach 5000 ng/dl

150mg of Test a week gets me to almost 2000 ng/dl and E is at the lower bound limit.