1000mg testosterone vs 500mg... whose tried it?

I did 150 mg ed of test prop for about 10 weeks or so was amazing I like to keep my test prop between 100 mg ed up to 150 mg ed though but that's me everybody is different it depends on what you want if you want to feel your testosterone levels high 24/7 then by all means try 150 mg of test prop ed out I honestly love test prop much more then test e but test e is good for building up your testosterone levels it just gets to built up on slow esters I only use test e very rarely
I dont need AI on 500mg and I have the bloodwork to prove it, E stays at the upper bound limit and T levels approach 5000 ng/dl

150mg of Test a week gets me to almost 2000 ng/dl and E is at the lower bound limit.

I'm so jelly. 150mg/wk puts me at like 550ng/dl. :(
I've been on for 13 years without a break. In my early days of cycling on and off I built up to the point that I used as much as a gram of test as a base, with an anabolic such as deca or equipoise and bursts of orals too. I found that the gains from adding more gear taper off more and more as you raise the dose - diminishing returns. However, the sides are more linear with the blood pressure, mood swings, acne, etc. getting worse pretty much in proportion to the dose.

Nowadays I use about 300-400 mgs. per week of test and now I'm really enjoying adding 500 mgs. of primo to it. I have virtually no sides, in fact my moods are great and I look hard and vascular.
I dunno if I am.just prone.to.juice lol but ran up to 1500mg test/week without bad sides at all.other then being.extremely horny and felt.great in the gym
Like.schreeder said tho I think 500-750mg is suitable if.diet.and training is there, I was expecting.a lot.more.from 1500mg/test a week for.strength, but.nothing.that tren.ace can't match at only.300mg/week lol

What brands are you using?
I've been on for 13 years without a break. In my early days of cycling on and off I built up to the point that I used as much as a gram of test as a base, with an anabolic such as deca or equipoise and bursts of orals too. I found that the gains from adding more gear taper off more and more as you raise the dose - diminishing returns. However, the sides are more linear with the blood pressure, mood swings, acne, etc. getting worse pretty much in proportion to the dose.

Nowadays I use about 300-400 mgs. per week of test and now I'm really enjoying adding 500 mgs. of primo to it. I have virtually no sides, in fact my moods are great and I look hard and vascular.

What was your typical cruise dose over those 13 years?