10ML of test enough for cycle????


New member
All I have is 1 10 ML of Andropen 275, 500 Mg of clomid and 5000ius Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for post cycle therapy (pct). Im a beginner and was told this would suffice for a first time cycle. Was told to inject 1 CC every 5 days for about 7 weeks, wait 2 weeks and then take the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) over 1 week(3days) then start clomid. Does this sound legit because most ppl are saying to run at least 400mgs of test a week for about 10wks.......
Its not much, but i guess it could be enough for a first cycle. I would wait for opinion from someone who knows more about andropen/sustanon, but you prolly should inject it 3 times a week (minimum of 2 injections a week)

so shoot .3 cc x3/week (example: mon/wed/fri) or .5cc x2/week (example: mon/thur)

This should be enough for 10 weeks (i wouldnt run it for shorter then 8 weeks)

Most of the guys here will tell you 275 of test /week is not enough but i think for a first cycle it is pretty good and i know ppl that made grate gains with that.

About your post cycle therapy (pct) take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 iu x2/week through the cycle (from the first shot of test to 4 days b4 clomid) then run clomid for 3-4 weeks and you should be good
I'd say it is not enough....

What are your stats?

Also Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is best used during your cycle.
my first time i used 250 a week for ten weeks. i grew like hell. no bs. but that was pharm grade delatestryl . so if the gear is good. do an eight to nine weeker and see how it gos. problem is you dont see anything for 3 to 4 weeks.
300 a week for 10 weeks did a body good.. people overestimate what you need, especially as a first timer
yea i probably need some more test, maybe 15ML and i could get some test enathate but i dont think i should stack something like Andropen/ Sustanon 250 with test e, but anyway my stats but ass naked are 6'1 173 lbs 23 yrs old and 9-10% BF. Been lifting since 9th grade. Not a hardgainer by any means, used to be a fat 225 lbs my senior year while playin football and could bench 265 3x3. now on bench i get about 185 3x5, but the trade-off is i have less BF......
nothing wrong with stacking andropen/sust with test e... it's all test bro, don't get caught up in the details... and like a few of the guys mentioned, 1cc per week until ur stuff runs out will be good enough for a first cycle... wait 2-3 weeks after your last inject, then run PCT... you'll get some good gains if u eat right, train right and get enough rest...

take a couple of months off... then put together another cycle... that's how to roll
Think the 500mg of clomid is good enough for post cycle therapy (pct)? Thats 10 days @50mgs a day, been reading that it wont be enough but gotta factor in the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) i have and the fact that its not a whole lot of test to begin with.
Jesus guys...

It doesnt matter how much Test it is. It will shut your HPTA down just as much 500mg per week. Maybe slightly slower in the beginning but in the end your ass will shut down completely. Meaning you'll be making no natural test. You need to run a full 4 week post cycle therapy (pct)...HCG or no HCG.You screw up post cycle therapy (pct) and you'll lose all your gains! Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is not for post cycle therapy (pct)... It functions best to be used during your cycle to keep your leydig cells stimulated. It can also be used to stimulate leydig cells after your HPTA has been shut down for a prolonged period of time. You take several large doses.... It is optimal to just keep them functioning throughout the cycle. Doing this does not keep the HPTA fully functional. Your body's LH production will still be shut down. LH is what tells your testicles to produce testosterone. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) mimics LH.... So since your HPTA is shut down you run a SERM such as Clomid or Nolva!! Nolva and clomid stimulate natural LH production. A standard protocol is 4 weeks. 10 days is fucking not enough period! Wait till you can get more.

You weigh 173lbs and are 23 yrs old... You cant gain weight and have reached a plateau? I'm thinking your training and diet is probably a bit screwed. You should get that fixed by talking to 3j in the diet section. After you get that fixed train for awhile then hit a cycle.

Once you get everything in order I'd run at least 400mg of test for 10-12wks, run 500-1000iu's of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) per week then run 4 weeks of clomid or nolva therapy.

If you dont want to do that.... Start your cycle at 300mg of Test for 7 weeks, make some gains( but not optimal gains cause your diet and training arent up to par), then run your 10 day post cycle therapy (pct) and lose it all...

Whatever... I just hate seeing poor advice...
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I agree that any synthetic drug designed to replicate a natural process in the body like testosterone will stop the production of testosterone when used, that makes perfect sense. But the higher amount of test in the body, the higher amount of estrogen the body will produce to combat the higher levels. Its a ratio of Test to estrogen... Anyway thx for the advice and i will definitely wait till i get more Anti Es. My diet is fine and can gain weight with ease, it is simply i cant get any stronger/bigger without significant increase in bodyfat. But as far as the 10ml of test for an eight week cycle, with more clomid, do you think it is a good idea?