11 ket- furuza which pct?


New member
sup guys..im finishing this cycle 11 keto 800/600/600/500/400/300/300/300/0
furuza 0/0/0/0/300/225/225/225/225

my dosages were really low(i had severe hair loss thats why i had to lower them)..im getting ready for pct.i have nolva on hand of course,but im afraid it might be a little overkill..im thinkin of using forma stanzol with a test booster,or low dose nolva(10mg) alongside forma stanzol..or maybe just atd...what do u guys think?
were you taking a cycle support during the course of the 9 weeks you were using these compounds?? typically a good cycle support (one whom has saw palmetto built in) will tremendously help reduce DHT conversion, which is usually the prime culprit of hair loss side effects on cycle.

i took one every other day.not every day...really could it help man if i took every day??damn...most said to me with these compounds i wouldnt even need any cycle support..i didnt listen to them and i bought one..i ididnt dose it every day though..