11 months on TRT - 1,980 dollars later, not impressed with results


New member
Hey guys - I am 29 years old and was diagnosed with lowT last March of 2013. I have been training hard for 4 years and been making very slow slow gains. I am classic ectomorph. My test score was 193 in March. I have been taking Test gel and now around 300. This stuff costs me 180.00 a month.
When I started: 6'2" - 163lbs @ 10% in March of 2013

Now: 175lbs @ 11.7% as I am trying to bulk.

My Diet: 3,500 cals with at least 170g of protein. Rest are carbs and fats. Pre and post workout whey shakes with creatine too. Also pre and post meals with simple carbs and proteins. 5 meals a day.

My gym intensity has been very hardcore in weights. The only cardio I do is when I walk from my job on lunch break to go grab a bite to eat. I feel I am strong for my size, but nowhere near what I expect to see in the mirror.

Arms have taken over 2.5 years to go from 13.5" to 14.5" where they currently are now. I have tried EVERYTHING to try to get over the 15" hill. (I'm leading into my question in a moment. Let me lay the foundation)... So just frustration.

My doctor doesn't think I need to up my dosage for test gel. He thinks 300 is ok. I totally disagree for a guy who is 29 years old, active, and eat appropriately and kills it in the gym. So now I'm looking for alternative options. I want to do my own TRT.

I did 2 cycles back in 2004 for the summer and never touched it again. I wasn't really eating much or lifting like I am today. For the past couple years, I have been in hardcore mode.

I have leftover gear of dbol and TestE from 2004. 10 years old! Stored in box in my linen closet. Should I avoid this stuff if I'm thinking about going at it again? The TestE is what I'm really interested in. I have two vials of it and a few amps.

I've researched other threads where people say its okay for a year or two, worries. I'm talking 10 here.

I appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance. You guys have been very helpful to me a decade ago and now I'm coming back for the same reason. Thx!
Sorry to say but your doc is horrible. 300 is appropriate for a T level ?
First of all GELS SUCK!!!!
Why wont he give you injects.....
You're going to go broke with the Gels and there is no benefit for you.
He said because I would have to come into his office and co-pay for each inject each week or sometimes more than once a week. He said the gel is better "deal". I am really upset about the whole thing.
NO the gel is the better "deal" for him cause he's been romanticized by pharma reps and loves the kick back for pushing a high dollar med like this. Tell him to F off and find real doc that will let you self inject....
Has he given an AI to you ?
Sounds like you are dealing with minor leaguers....
You could have spent half the money and used injects and you'd be cruising at a better level now...
btw u are a young guy, has he prescribed any HCG to you ?
Nope. Just Testim 1% gel, and that's it. It even just increased by $20 at the turn of the new year. Ugh. What do you think about the old gear I have? Skunked?
This is ridiculous u have low T and are paying out of the wazoo for pharma meds and you want to use expired UG gear ?
I would like to only if I'll get any effect. I would do the same with protein or anything perishable. What's the extreme shelf-life? If it's bad, no problem. End of topic.
Firstly don't run that gear, let alone stuff that is 10 years old lol. It's going to make it harder for you in terms of blood results etc

X2 regarding all of APOLLONS posts as well.

My doctor doesn't think I need to up my dosage for test gel. He thinks 300 is ok. I totally disagree for a guy who is 29 years old, active, and eat appropriately and kills it in the gym. So now I'm looking for alternative options. I want to do my own TRT.

You're not the only one to disagree with that, I'm 19 on TRT (never juiced) because my levels were in the high 300s, absolutely shit! It has made a world of difference. Also, IMO gels are a waste of time, they need to be applied daily, they aromatase into e2 easily and can rub off onto anyone (children, wife) which you definitely do not want, plus fuck rubbing that on injecting is easier and simpler.

If I was you, I would run from that doctor and find a doctor who specialises in TRT or find a TRT clinic, alternatively there are online clinics you can find here at 'ology. $180 a month is pretty steep as well.

You should also expect to feel a lot better once you get on a propper TRT protocol of injections, a good starting point is 75mg 2x a week, I like to do mine Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Adjust dose accordingly with bloods. Your doctor sounds uneducated on TRT, a lot.
I agree. When he prescribed it to me last year, I have all these questions lined up. He seriously got his iPhone out and started answering my questions from an app he was looking at. I was like okkkkkkkkk. Never once asked me to see a urologist or to fix this problem. The gel is absolutely a royal pain in my a$$. I hate rubbing this stuff on. I've tried it in mornings but sticks to my clothes when I get dressed. Tried it at nights, but sticks to my sheets in bed. I hate it. Moreover, I feel like it's not doing anything.
Yeah change your doctor dude lol, fuck gels sticking to clothes and shit.

You'll be happy when you get started on a solid injection protocol.
You are not impressed with the results because you are still at hypogonadal testosterone levels. As everyone has said, get on a self-injection protocol. Call our forum sponsor IMT (see ad to the right of your screen). They treat a lot of guys here and do a great job.
Yeah change your doctor dude lol, fuck gels sticking to clothes and shit.

You'll be happy when you get started on a solid injection protocol.

That Gel crap is non sense. It all feeds into the Steroids are bad for you cause it's a needle lable and the MD's feed into it. You need to wait a good half hour at least for the gel to dry then get dressed...
after it dries it leaves a noticeable white film on the area (your inner arms most likely).
You can't just hop in the shower and wash it off...because it is indicated in the instructions not to wash that area where Gel was applied for several hours.
Ridiculous method of T...
Even pharmacists in Europe laughed at the discussion I had with them on Androgel.
I have all these questions lined up. He seriously got his iPhone out and started answering my questions from an app he was looking at.

Told you he's a minor leaguer. Why would he send you to a urologist?
You are generating $$$ revenue for him.
You're all 100% right. I'm going to get a new blood test done tomorrow and will follow up with him when the results have been sent to his office. It's been a few months since I had one and it was at 301. So I'm curious to see what it is now. I used to have morning wood come back but it's been nonexistent for at least 2 months now. I have a feeling it's going to be low, due to that and my laziness outside the gym.
You're all 100% right. I'm going to get a new blood test done tomorrow and will follow up with him when the results have been sent to his office. It's been a few months since I had one and it was at 301. So I'm curious to see what it is now. I used to have morning wood come back but it's been nonexistent for at least 2 months now. I have a feeling it's going to be low, due to that and my laziness outside the gym.

Possibly because your e2 has climbed up causing the ED, but at 300ng/dl it doesn't surprise me in the least.

Again, gels are fucking shit lol.
Your story reads as if you're looking at TRT purely for anabolic benefits.
Low testosterone or not, eating 3,500 calories a day will have you putting on weight (assuming your day job is fairly sedentary). If your diet is genuine and you still aren't putting on weight, add another 500 calories and see how you go.
Your story reads as if you're looking at TRT purely for anabolic benefits.
Low testosterone or not, eating 3,500 calories a day will have you putting on weight (assuming your day job is fairly sedentary). If your diet is genuine and you still aren't putting on weight, add another 500 calories and see how you go.

I was older when I sought TRT but I have to admit I was almost doing it because I was not putting on muscle. That and a little less sex drive were my issues. Sure I felt the other sides of low T but I was not really moved my them. I was just frustrated because my diet and exercise was very good and guys with no diet or exercise were bigger and stronger.

But after going on TRT and actually feeling so much better I realize how shitty I REALLY was feeling now that I can compare it to something. In my case all the sides of low T came on slowly enough that I didn't notice the change over time and/ or my body sort of learned to accept the new, low T me.

Physically I see that my muscle build has changed slightly for the better and I have lost fat and yes I am very happy about that but now looking back on the old me I see I am more clear headed, focused, motivated, have more energy, I sleep better, my joints feel better, I have more confidence and all round just feel more like a man.

The OP is probably only considering the the physical benefits right now (although I wouldn't say anabolic benefits ) because that is just humane nature. All guys want to be big and strong (especially if you train for it, you wanna see results) but ultimately if he goes on a good TRT he is going to feel the benefits too.

He can prolly add another 500 cal like you said but thats not going to change his Low T nor get him out of this crappy issue with the gel. At that low T his body prob can't make anymore muscle. He may just add fat to his stomach . I think being on gel and still having T of a 70 yr old is the first issue to take care of.
But after going on TRT and actually feeling so much better I realize how shitty I REALLY was feeling now that I can compare it to something. In my case all the sides of low T came on slowly enough that I didn't notice the change over time and/ or my body sort of learned to accept the new, low T me.

Yes, true that. I chose the TRT route not for the anabolic effects, rather 95% due to how I was feeling mentally. A life long deicion for a bit of muscle? That's dumb. A life long decision to feel great rather than like a bag of shit, well, that's why I'm on TRT and I will never, ever look back.