11 months on TRT - 1,980 dollars later, not impressed with results

I used the Finaflex Revolution PCT for about 2 weeks and then Nolvadex since I only used D-bol for about 3 weeks splitting a pill into 2 and the sub250 for 3 months,a shot a month with some anavar.I grew because I trained hard and the body had used what I gave it from the training all those other times.Seems it caught up and gave me good mass.

After 20 years since starting the proper PCT protocol,I can now shave every 1.5 days...That D-bol must have shut me down hard I guess and I shaved every 5 days.Talk about saving all that money on razors!

In between pct and a cycle...I would use DAA and Zinc and pure BCAA powder.

So OP...You have 2 different Views but most important question would be,did you use PCT during those 2 times in 2004 ?

Back then I used a very inconsistent and short cycle of clomid. Are you telling me that I can correct whatever I did wrong in 2005 in order to help today?? That sounds bizzare to me. Can you clarify? thx!
Yes...It did work for me.I was only using D-bol with nova added in.No test at all.We know its a no-no.I got pumped like what D-bol does.Didn't eat enough at all.Got a little fat around the nipples but not gyno for what D-bol is known for.Nothing major came out of it, maybe 3 cycles over 5 years and taking it for a short time like 2 weeks and only 20 tablets split into 2 each cycle.The compounding of shutting down with D-bol maybe shut down my shavings to every 5 days.I didn't shave at all in my late 20's early 30's..I think it was when I started at 23-24 then off/on.No PCT was done at all.Restarted again late 40's.

Until I came here and saw what was wrong and an idea came up.So I re-did the cycle ( 18 years later) with Sub250,D-bol and ate enough and even threw in B-12 injections.
Boom! Started to shave every 3 days and then I did the PCT and it now has a 1.5 days shaving now.Been smooth for 3 years now.I must have restarted a proper Cycle and PCT.Maybe I restarted everything back to Normal Pre-D-bol days.It feels like that.
Even a few times I split the D-bol into 4 tiny tablets..lol

The hair on my head needs to be cut every month.I get about 1 inch every month but not shave? I just knew something was fishy and D-bol can shut down hard and I didn't have any side effects from having less test besides the shaving part.
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