12 week cycle question using test p and test e


New member
Im getting close to starting a new cycle. I want to use test p until the test e kicks in. I also want to use test p at the end of my cycle as the test e leaves my system. Ill be running 250mg e3d so my question is how much test p, how often and how long.
Well I've read never run more test then you plan on running. If your taking 500wk test e you want to run 250 e and 250 p. The reason I say this you will achieve the highest possible levels at the begining of your cycle. You don't want that.
That is if you run 500wk+ you test p injections. Your levels will drastically drop when you stop the p.
The reasoning behind it is to use test p instead of dbol to get going before the test e kicks in. Which will be 3the to 6the weeks
Yes I'm aware of what your doing man. I'm just letting you know unstable test levels will result in possible more sides. The propper way to do this is start at 500 and end at 500. Not start at 750mg a week and end at 500 a week. You want to have the most highest and stable blood levels throughout your whole cycle. People have a misconception on this methoud. Test is test bro no matter what ester it is. The steadier blood levels are the better off you are.
no need for the test p at the beginning... u will just be creating unstable blood levels as test p never "kicks in" as fast as people claim it does and it will vary from person to person/cycle to cycle

a much better option would be to run the test e for the first 10 weeks, the in week 11 u begin to run the test p at eod injections at the same dosage as u were running the test e... this will allow u to start post cycle therapy (pct) 10 days after your last injection of test p, instead of 20 days after your last injection of test e

yes... i said 10 days after your last injection of test p

too many people begin post cycle therapy (pct) too early... this makes for an ineffective post cycle therapy (pct) as test levels have not yet dropped low enough for the clomid/nolva to do their job in restoring your natural test levels