12 week cylcle: Sustanon (sust) 300 + Test E (Enanthate)


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Hell_Yeah's 12 week cycle: Sust 300 + Test E (Enanthate)

Hello all,

below is how I plan to run my second cyle after 15 years (i get my gear today). I am now 40 yrs old and have been working out for 15 yrs (last 5 have been very dedicated).

- 300mg per pin of Sustanon (sust) pinned twice per week in the glute (M/TH) for weeks 1-5 (total of 600mg/week)
- 250mg per pin of Test E pinned twice per week in the glute (M/TH) for week 5-12 (total of 500mg/week)
- Exemestane (Aromasin) 6.25mg everyday for the entire cylce
- post cycle therapy (pct) to begin 2.5 weeks after my last injection: Clomafene Citrate (Clomid) 50mg everyday for 4 weeks + Tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex) 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks

Thanks to Nightmare007 for helping me figure out some of the above.

The stats:
- Weight: 195lbs
- Height: 5'10
- Bodyfat: 12%
- Blood pressure of an 18 yr old;)
- Normal T levels as per blood work last month
- Already bald so don't care about hairloss

- Max bench: 295lbs
- Max squat: 365lbs
- Max deadlift: 405lbs
- Max #of pullups: 56 with kipping
- Max pullup: bodyweight + 120lb dumbbell

During this cycle I will monitor:
- overall physical appearance
- mood
- libido
- muscle/weight gain
- improvement on above max's (I care more about getting jack'd then max's)
- nut shrinkage if any
- Bodyfat %
- Blood pressure

... Stay tuned... first pin should be tomorrow
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In my opinion a lot of u guys think to much on this not dissagreeing but its just not me I'm old school I guess but I learned from some of the best my father and his buddys taught me everything about this stuff but here is what I do and it works for me I. Use supertest 300 from rival pharma its a ugl I run 2ml every mornin that's 600mg a day iv gained 40lbs in past 7weeks ill run this for about 3months then come off for a month let nuts go to normal size then go back at it not sayin u should do that but this is what works for me
Hey Beefcake727...Thank you for your question.

Typical day looks like this:
- Coffee!
- 50g whey protein + veggie greens + scoop of peanut butter + celery stalk + pineapple in 250ml of water
- 2 capsules Progressive Active Men multi-vit + 2 capsules Vit C Complex + 2000 IUs of Vit D
- 2 capsules of Vega maca + 1 capsule of SmartGinkgo
- 2 capsules of L-Car and L-Arg
- 2 capsules of milk thistle +1 capsule of Alpha Lipoic Acid + 2 capsules of Krill Oil + Horny Goat Weed
- 2 capsules of EFX Kre-Alkalyn creatine
- 6.25mg of Aromasin
- if pin day then pin at this time
- 500ml water

- Apple (1 cup of grapes) + 0.5 cup 0% fat cottage cheese
- 500ml water

- Multigrain pasta + low fast pasta sauce + mixed greens salad
- 500ml water

*1pm to 2:30pm workout

*3pm repeat food had at 8:30am

- BBQ turkey breast (or chicken) and veg
- 500 ml water

- 50g whey protein in 250ml of water

**If hungry throughout the day i usually have something like a protein bar or a handful of nuts with a teaspoon of honey

In bed by 10pm

What do you think?
I am 2 pins in... I mentioned last week that I would monitor the following:
- overall physical appearance: Been 1 week so not much change
- mood: Happier if that makes any sense
- libido: drilled my chick 3 times yesterday with full on gorilla dick... havent done that in a while... could be added 50mg of prop kicking in
- muscle/weight gain: none yet
- improvement on above max's (I care more about getting jack'd then max's): Benched 305lbs yesterday that is 10lbs passed my max... dont you love the power of placebo... or has the prop kicked in???
- nut shrinkage if any: nuts are fine
- Bodyfat %: my calc says no change
- Blood pressure: havent checked but my guess is no change

*One thing worth mentioning is that the aromasin makes me burp and want to vomit...
*Another thing worth mentioing is my sweat glands are in full gear...

Stay tuned
3 weeks and 6 pins in...

- overall physical appearance: leaner (mostly diet) and tighter
- mood: Happier with some mood swings
- libido: very high
- muscle/weight gain: Body fat % is down 2% and I now weigh 200lbs very cool
- improvement on above max's: all max's are up... bench is up by 25lbs... shoulder press is up 20lbs... leg press is up 45lbs... the list goes on
- nut shrinkage if any: nuts are fine except my sac feels tighter...
- Bodyfat %: my calc says down 2%
- Blood pressure: Higher at night
- No estro sides... aromasin is doing the trick... also definitely not bloated... I can feel it in my fingers if that makes any sense...