12 weeks out from NPC Utah Open

Looking on schedule bro...test and tren the most effective simple cycle you can run...youll love the results of tren..the most effective compound imo....sides are a bit annoying but tolerable...
Thanks Jmeals. I'm really looking forward to tren kicking in. Fairly low dose, but should be good for my first run. I was running full keto diet up until a few days ago when my call with Dorian Yates suggested I carb cycle instead, which I'm perfectly ok with. I'm pretty lean for 11 weeks out so I should come in fuller than last show.
Thanks dtone. this time around is MUCH better. On cycle, carb cycling, starting at single digit BF. Much more mentally sane, haha. thanks fellas for your support, should be a great show. Then it's time for Nationals in October!!!
Lookin good 12 weeks out bro! Keep grindin it out. Perhaps compete
in the same contest next year as Middleweight and kick some real ass.
Also, agreed what Scarz said and keep up the good work.
Update 11 weeks out:




it's tough getting down to that 4-6% marker... good luck bro.. it's looking good
Great place to be 11 weeks out, dude - you have real nice thickness. You'll like the results of the tren cycle - be prepared to sweat...a lot! LOL also have some stuff on hand for bacne - i had quite a bit when i first started it and i wasn't prepared. i bought antibacterial soap and it helped a lot.

As far as what to work on - looks like you are on track. More size on the arms and delts would be great, but as you cut those will come out anyway. Good luck bro!
Why'd u switch back bro? Your still doing that thing with your arms. Arms are too high lower em a little bit and clench those lats.
I have more energy when I'm full keto. And I stay fuller throughout the day. Seems like fat loss speeds up as well. Not getting a pump in the gym sucks, but I'm only 9 weeks out so it keeps me motivated. I'll work on bringing my arms down a bit.
How bout "relaxed" poses with quarter turns?

You need to look up some of the famous shorter competitors and observe how they showcased their physiques.

Your most muscular with your legs together is pretty solid, but none of your other poses are jumping out at me.

Your leg is spiked back too far on the rear shots, and too far forward on the front shots.
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Diets great. Palumbo style keto, around 1900 cals. Strength continues to increase, tren e is kicking in without a doubt.
I went a little over board on my Saturday night cheat meal, pics were taken Sunday morning. Woke up holding onto a lot more water