14 week transformation in progress


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14 week transformation test 400 & equipoise

im allready three weeks in test 400, 700 mg a week finished 20 mg of d-ball a day was 230 now 245 getting equipoise this week 400 mg a day this is not my first cycle but it will be my best one i hope. Im 38 years old. only side effect oily skin strength and muscle:)
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bad 8 days stop training due to shoulder lost 4 pounds. but doc says start training again just soft tissue inflammation.stopped injections for 8 days now back with 300 mg of prop, 400 mg of test 400 and 600 mg of equipoise a week
I think your dosage will be ok but not long enough. You're already what 5 weeks in?? So you have 9 weeks to run eq, its not long enough its a waste of time and money. If you wanna extend your cycle to 20 weeks minnimum you should be ok. 9 Weeks of eq is useless
hey dude I deffinitely think u looking better, try takin pictures with the same pose and same distance. But u looking better. So how long is your cycle 20 weeks long?
Also have you gone for a bodyfat test before and after?
yea about 18 to 20 weeks im getting stronger and growing my clothes don't really fit anymore. not worried about fat i can lean out quickly, just more size.
only 18 inches going for 19+. workout going good strength increase every week. going to bring body fat down by 5 pounds for next month pic.
ok start prop now 400 mg a week eq 600 mg a week. cip is shit so happy it all done. squat up from 225 6 reps to 315 3 reps 275 10 reps. shoulder press 50 pound dumb to 90 pound. new pic soon sept 04 look for it
my shoulder started to hurt from work taking 4 days off. If i fell better on friday im going to order more prop so i can take 550mg a week.And prop makes my sex drive crazy guess thats good