18 year old first test e cycle

I posted my maxes because on other threads i have seen people asking that what are you lifts etc and i wanted to tell you guys that i have a base unlike others who just go to the gym for 2 or 4 days and then start cycling...

But it's irrelevant. Even if you lifted for years, gear will have the same effect on you as the guy who has been lifting in the gym for 2-4 days as far as shutting you down goes, and stopping your development. Only logical explanation there is to start gear at 18 is if you have the genes of a god and want to compete and turn this lifting shit into a career and get paid for it.
Soldier74, if I had 1/4 of the knowledge, motivation, drive at 18 that I have now man what I could have achieved. I hope the op listens, learns a few things, and gets his diet and lifting in place, leaving the aas talk for 5-6 years from now. But I also rememner the mindset of an 18yo, plus I have a 15yo at home who thinks he knows everything(he leaves me shaking my head at times).

An 18yo body is already giving you everything you need if you supplement it with a good diet.

I trained for over 17yrs naturally and looked a damn sight better than most juicers did - but when I hit my mid-30's and saw that My T levels were low in range, I knew that my time was limited and the risk factor had swung in my favour.

I've been on AAS for just over ten years now, and for sure it's taken me to a whole new level - but I wouldn't change a single thing. I'm a better person for serving my apprenticeship with the iron as a natural, and I'm proud to say I stretched my physical limits without the need for enhancement.

Too many people want the quick fix, the easy option - and aren't prepared to buckle in and learn the game properly.

When I eventually got started on gear, my diet was nailed down. My training was second to none. I knew that if I got my AAS education off-pat, I could achieve big things.

Nowadays people jump on the gear too soon, and don't realize that the AAS will do jackshit unless the fundamentals are in place. The miniscule gains they manage to make on cycle are lost as soon as they hit PCT - and then 6 months to a year down the line, after a tough recovery, they fall out of love with training.
It's impossible for them to lift a weight naturally, because they know how easy the gains come on juice.
The juice isn't addictive, but the ease in which muscle is gained is HIGHLY addictive.

Not for me, I know what it's like to bust a gut, make gains over months and years the hard way. So therefore I appreciate every ounce of what AAS gives me.

I also fucking hate the fact that nowadays people are so quick to fire a compound into their body - with no idea or worry as to the fallout afterwards.
You get one body, one chance to keep that body running optimally... yet people are so quick to jeopardise what they have for the small chance of gains.

Look at the bigger picture people! :nonono2:
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1- why 250mg weekly? I believe 125mg takes care of our normal production. Is it because most test are diluted at 1ml -250mg?

Because i have been told by some guys that i should be doing a low dose test cycle to keep the side effects really low and if you have read my question then you should now that i was asking is 250 mg per week is really low or not

2- Have you stuck a, say 11/2" needle 22 g into a muscle before? What happens if you hit a vein? What if the needle breaks? You cant call 911 and say you are doing roids and broke a needle.

I am not from america and i will inject ubder the supervision of a guy..

3- why test e? what is wrong with test A?

Because i live in pakistan and here test e is available by the name of testeviron depo and it is dirt cheap here bro like i can get 3×1ml amps for 3 dollars...

4- so you follow through with 250 a week. What is your protein (1g=9 calories) going to bump up to?

Right now i am trying to hit 1.5 g of protein per kilo of my bodyweight...

5- blood sugar / diabetes run in family?

Yes few of my family members are suffering from diabetes but all old like my paternal and maternal grandmother and my grandfather....

250mgs is low dose per week. 11.5 grams of protein per KILO is low too. I don't know what guys you are talking to but they need educated too!

As far as the tuff love goes, we are not dealing with arts and crafts or quilting and knitting here. Yea, name calling has no presence on the board. In fairness, there has been infamous threads 30+ pages long with the op talking trash and nothing but name calling going on. The discipline viewed was the thread being closed. The vets here that are top knotch, which are most, give out priceless info day in and day out. We are human after all and do have emotions. Some need to be talked to like an "adult" even if they don't act like it. Sticks and stones fellas...
Guys I am guilty of blasting a guy and then coming back to try to help and then going on and on. I say I'm done and come back at him again, Well shame on me.

This what I do and others is not productive and has the newbies and everyone wanting to see the humor or the wisdom we spew, so we read and read and keep the thread alive. This is not good as we see and then some leave for good.

I think it is we / me that helps keep this crap alive after it has become a dead issue. After we see the troll or young punk would listen and argues why do I keep on. It becomes a moot point and I / we for the benefit and integrity of the forum should collectively stop the train as it keeps getting pumped down the thread.

Show the trolls and the immature arguing stupid punks we are done from the get go, they need to go.

I myself blast these guys flame them only to come back apologize and try to get constructive but to no avail. How better is my maturity at that point. Where has this supposed wisdom of and old man gone.

So we ask why so many are coming so much on and on. We / me are making it entertaining. I'd like to see more wisdom as some of you know how to do best and then know our limit to cut the troll off.

Thanks I hope I haven't stepped on any toes...or maybe the right thing is I have stepped on toes while not trying to be hypocritical.

Food for thought my friends.
This is what I would say to my little brother if he came out with the same questions:

DONT do it. Just dont.
Believe me, I know what it means to stick a needle in your ass for the rest of your life since when you are a teenager, see your growth stunted, your balls not working, all of your friends fucking girls around while your libido just doesnt wanna work, and whatever else. It's not fuckin funny, I guarantee.
There is nothing to gain from what you are planning to do and A LOT to lose.
You are in your best years, you naturally produce shitloads of testosterone and you are still growing, you can get 10 times bigger and stronger than you are now, NATURALLY!
No sides, no health issues, nothing illegal and nothing to stick in your ass.

If you start cycling now:
1. Your gains will be totally shit, you obviously don't know how to eat, how to train and how steroids work
2. You will probably get sides during cycle, see point 1
3. MANY negative effects on your health/growth, probably gonna need TRT for the rest of your life, dealing with TRT in your teenage years/20s is FUCKING HORRIBLE

Get educated bro, learn how to eat, learn how to train, get stronger, bigger, grow up, bang girls, enjoy your goddamn youth its not gonna come back a second time, you've got a whole life ahead of you to jump on the juice when you'll be ready.
Dude 1.5 to 2 grams protein per kilo of bodyweight should be consumed and if you dont believe me go read some studies which shows that 1.5 to 2 g per kg of bw is enough and when you consume more protein then that then basically you are consuming expensive carbs...
Dude 1.5 to 2 grams protein per kilo of bodyweight should be consumed and if you dont believe me go read some studies which shows that 1.5 to 2 g per kg of bw is enough and when you consume more protein then that then basically you are consuming expensive carbs...

1.5-2g per Pound is what you read I believe not 1.5-2g per Kilo. If youre eating 2g per Kilo your getting less that 1g per Pound which isnt enough. I peronally wouldnt go above 1.5g per pound at most. After that its a waste IMO.
No i haven't read it wrongly and you should stop looking into men fitness magazines and start reading some real informative stuff then you will also know that 1.5 to 2 g protein per kilo of bodyweight is enough....
Then you have been doing it wrong unless you weighed like 40kg from the get go. No matter how good genetics you have you can't deny the fact that eating in a caloric surplus will make you gain weight and you apparently haven't been eating in a surplus since you only weigh 61 kg. I started lifting 1 year and 10 months ago and I was a small mofo weighing in at 56kg, now I'm 84 kg which I never thought was possible, I'm 179 cm by the way just to lazy to convert to inches, but our stats are very similar ;) My point is you have miles to go on your journey before even considering the use of AAS ! And listen to these guys when they give you advice or else you will be setting yourself up for an disaster.
No i haven't read it wrongly and you should stop looking into men fitness magazines and start reading some real informative stuff then you will also know that 1.5 to 2 g protein per kilo of bodyweight is enough....

Sooo...I get all my rep power stripped from me and my bars turned red because of the one negative response I made to this kid?? After all the advice from the guys that followed my bad comment and he still acts like this....
No i haven't read it wrongly and you should stop looking into men fitness magazines and start reading some real informative stuff then you will also know that 1.5 to 2 g protein per kilo of bodyweight is enough....

You came here and started a thread asking questions and looking for advice. People chime in with great info and you brush it off and come off disrespectful. Shredder is one of many respected members here with an impressive physique. We told you your diet needs work if you want gains. Now your basically saying there's nothing wrong with your diet. How do you expect to get results if you won't change anything? What your doing now isn't working so why the resistance?
Sooo...I get all my rep power stripped from me and my bars turned red because of the one negative response I made to this kid?? After all the advice from the guys that followed my bad comment and he still acts like this....

I don't agree with it either...
You came here and started a thread asking questions and looking for advice. People chime in with great info and you brush it off and come off disrespectful. Shredder is one of many respected members here with an impressive physique. We told you your diet needs work if you want gains. Now your basically saying there's nothing wrong with your diet. How do you expect to get results if you won't change anything? What your doing now isn't working so why the resistance?

Thanks tbone, i appreciate that.

OP, this is a learning game, for everyone. Why dont you open your mind, take the information youve been given and learn from it. You have been given great info from many guys that have at this for many years. Having an 'Im always right' attitude and an unwillingness to learn wont get you very far in bodybuilding.
I never said that my diet is perfect or i am always right i am just saying that there are many studies done out there and the final result is that 1.5 to 2 gm per kilo of bodyweight is what you need and anything more then that would be just expensive carbs and excess protein can be bad....
I never said that my diet is perfect or i am always right i am just saying that there are many studies done out there and the final result is that 1.5 to 2 gm per kilo of bodyweight is what you need and anything more then that would be just expensive carbs and excess protein can be bad....

It's per pound of bodyweight...like shredder said not per kilo. Personally I don't go higher than 1.5 and I try to get most of that from clean food and very little from shakes...shakes make me fart and protein farts=unhappy wife!!
Dude instead of licking shredder ass just go and do some real research on google about protein requirement and then you will know...
Dude instead of licking shredder ass just go and do some real research on google about protein requirement and then you will know...

I want to thank you for proving my point over and over. :)

I'm going to be the adult here and just ask you how your protein intake has helped you. I know it has helped my friend that has almost your exact same stats, and she really has been getting pretty strong. ;)