18 year old first test e cycle

Everyone need to slow there roll here this is a kid who is clueless being abusive is not the right way. Im pretty disapointed in a few who are going toget a time out if this persists.
If my response was inappropriate for below, I'll give myself a time out. I don't understand why there is this constant need to baby folks that sometimes need to hear it rough to get through to them.

I was grumpy earlier yes, and I even apologized to a poster for being excessively gruff. But if I have to let trolls (many have been confirmed by mods to be repeat offenders wasting time that can be spent helping those in REAL need) rub it in my face that they can mock what this place represents, then I can find better things to do with my time.

I've never spoken up before as this is NOT my house, I'm a guest - and I respect that, but for me to be forced to eat humble pie from snotty teens is unacceptable as well.

Hi guys,
I am 18 years old 5 feet 10 inches weighs about 61 kgs been training for atleast 1.6 years my lifts are

Squat 100 kgs
Deadlift 95 kgs
Bench 50 kgs

I am going to run a test e cycle for 12 week (250 mg) with proper pct as you can see i will be running low dose of test so my question is should i increase the test dose or this would be enough ??? Another thing is that should i add hcg to my cycle or not ???

Note: please don't try to tell me that i shouldn't be doing this because i have made my mind and i will fu***ng do it and i have accepted the fact that my height would not increase and my sperm count would also get low after this cycle...

Ok, I'm not going to tell the child that benches less than I can curl for 25 reps that he's a retard for refusing to listen to the advice regarding how he could utterly destroy his body and dick by cycling too young. Because sperm and height clearly are the penultimate indicators of adolescent termination.

Gosh that was easy. :)

I would like to think that being a poster which actually has taken the time to truly read and answer the vast majority of posts with sincerity and the best of my knowledge means something. If it's just a matter of quantity over quality, I respect the business decision and will adjust accordingly.

My .02c :)
OP u are way too young to be messing with that stuff.
You can DESTROY your endocrine system PERMANENTLY!!
Do u understand???
I suggest u visit the TRT section of this site...
Look at the problems TRT guys go through just to feel "normal".
Unless u have diagnosed hypogonadism at your age....
U should NOT be touching the stuff!
If my response was inappropriate for below, I'll give myself a time out. I don't understand why there is this constant need to baby folks that sometimes need to hear it rough to get through to them.

I was grumpy earlier yes, and I even apologized to a poster for being excessively gruff. But if I have to let trolls (many have been confirmed by mods to be repeat offenders wasting time that can be spent helping those in REAL need) rub it in my face that they can mock what this place represents, then I can find better things to do with my time.

I've never spoken up before as this is NOT my house, I'm a guest - and I respect that, but for me to be forced to eat humble pie from snotty teens is unacceptable as well.

I would like to think that being a poster which actually has taken the time to truly read and answer the vast majority of posts with sincerity and the best of my knowledge means something. If it's just a matter of quantity over quality, I respect the business decision and will adjust accordingly.

My .02c :)

Shitting on someone because they dont have knowledge is ignorant. IT not cool. If you dont want to be helpful then dont post on the thread. Its not that hard. I know it gets old hearing the same questions over and over.
I get it Magazine covers, advertising, super bodies; but you only see the final results. Not the long years of work and dedication. Ideally, you should be 23-25 b4 even considering gear. But lets say you made your mind up? I m not your parent. So, my questions are:

1- why 250mg weekly? I believe 125mg takes care of our normal production. Is it because most test are diluted at 1ml -250mg?
2- Have you stuck a, say 11/2" needle 22 g into a muscle before? What happens if you hit a vein? What if the needle breaks? You cant call 911 and say you are doing roids and broke a needle.
3- why test e? what is wrong with test A?
4- so you follow through with 250 a week. What is your protein (1g=9 calories) going to bump up to?
5- blood sugar / diabetes run in family?

Your are an adult. You can vote, and go fight in a war. Ok, welcome to manhood. These guys on your posting are veterens. Sure, maybe a little crude. But only out of frustration. There are horror stories that happen. Talk to a veteran off record. Absorb and learn. Go big kid, get the 20" arms or bench 500 But do it with your original kidney, liver, and still able to have off spring

Happy building
Shitting on someone because they dont have knowledge is ignorant. IT not cool. If you dont want to be helpful then dont post on the thread. Its not that hard. I know it gets old hearing the same questions over and over.

Thank you for the reply DPR, it does mean a lot to me, seriously.

I'll work on avoiding threads that bring out the parent in me, and make me want to be more aggressive with the younger folks. I sometimes forget that the generational gap may cause me to lose some of the message intended, and interpret it as disrespect.
1- why 250mg weekly? I believe 125mg takes care of our normal production. Is it because most test are diluted at 1ml -250mg?

Because i have been told by some guys that i should be doing a low dose test cycle to keep the side effects really low and if you have read my question then you should now that i was asking is 250 mg per week is really low or not

2- Have you stuck a, say 11/2" needle 22 g into a muscle before? What happens if you hit a vein? What if the needle breaks? You cant call 911 and say you are doing roids and broke a needle.

I am not from america and i will inject ubder the supervision of a guy..

3- why test e? what is wrong with test A?

Because i live in pakistan and here test e is available by the name of testeviron depo and it is dirt cheap here bro like i can get 3×1ml amps for 3 dollars...

4- so you follow through with 250 a week. What is your protein (1g=9 calories) going to bump up to?

Right now i am trying to hit 1.5 g of protein per kilo of my bodyweight...

5- blood sugar / diabetes run in family?

Yes few of my family members are suffering from diabetes but all old like my paternal and maternal grandmother and my grandfather....
I never get why these teenagers post up their max lifts like it has any relevance to this decision

I posted my maxes because on other threads i have seen people asking that what are you lifts etc and i wanted to tell you guys that i have a base unlike others who just go to the gym for 2 or 4 days and then start cycling...
Thank you for the reply DPR, it does mean a lot to me, seriously.

I'll work on avoiding threads that bring out the parent in me, and make me want to be more aggressive with the younger folks. I sometimes forget that the generational gap may cause me to lose some of the message intended, and interpret it as disrespect.


Please don't avoid these or other threads. You offer invaluable advice to all the guys here -- new and old. You are the heart of 'Ology.

We all have bad days where we are grumpy; but you are one of the most even keeled guys I know. Any of us that have been here for any length of time get short on patience at times. There is always that one person who posts the magic words that set us off. We have all posted replies like yours. We all know that your posts are based on your hard earned personal experience, vast knowledge and sincere heartfelt concern for others. I also agree it seems like the trolls have been out in droves lately which exacerbates things. It is unfortunate because some guys who really do need help may be mistakenly perceived to be trolls.

I think you bring up a good point though about the board. A point that has been on my mind a lot recently. Are we sacrificing quality in the pursuit of short-term higher web traffic? I am not involved in the business side of this forum so I don't know the economics. I am just a glorified spam deleter here. But I fear that allowing trolls to fester is driving longtime members away. That and some of the unscrupulous pushing of products that has been occuring. In the long run, I believe this is a killer to web traffic far more than anything else.

Guys will always come and go but it seems like we have recently had many members choose to leave us or greatly reduce their participation rate because of the above issues. It saddens me. I would be in mourning if you left too Halfwit.

OP you don't need a 22G and you don't need 1-1/2 " . You research injections on here and on Google. Our forum has some things on injections. A lot to know about this, but for now don't worry about hitting a vein you won't bleed out and you'll never get the compound in your vein. I've been doing this like these other guy for 20 30 years. Google it and it will show how and where.

See there is so much to read up on. A beginner Q's but a good one so now you need to follow up on research I just told you about. Then come back for more.
Ok we doin better.

Slow down take get an answer and read on it. You can't just ask everything in one night. start reading like now. Don't start this cycle. You wit us now :)
Bro actually the injection are not a problem for me as i have a freinds whose mother is a gynacologist and his father is also a doctor ( i forgot about his degree ) so he has some knowledge about the injections because he himself has been injecting for 1 year...

And at what age did you started taking roids ???
age 30 I was a competitive water skier, stopped that and went to the gym and ever since except for time of for life things. 1980 stared training. I'm an ectomorph so I was a tall 5'11" middle weight. Height was against me.

First show 1986 Daytona Classic only pics are from 86' due to MY GYM went bankrupt so I lost all my belongings in the mess. Everything I lost. Personal Items locked up while I was in the hospital.

See My profiles photos at age 36 6 years hard training.

OH, NO that is the problem, you want everyone to do the work. YOU still need to know what and how it's all done and works together. Now I know YOU KNOW nothing. You ask Q's but that's not your problem or you argue. I'm stupid for coming back to you.
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Please don't avoid these or other threads. You offer invaluable advice to all the guys here -- new and old. You are the heart of 'Ology.

We all have bad days where we are grumpy; but you are one of the most even keeled guys I know. Any of us that have been here for any length of time get short on patience at times. There is always that one person who posts the magic words that set us off. We have all posted replies like yours. We all know that your posts are based on your hard earned personal experience, vast knowledge and sincere heartfelt concern for others. I also agree it seems like the trolls have been out in droves lately which exacerbates things. It is unfortunate because some guys who really do need help may be mistakenly perceived to be trolls.

I think you bring up a good point though about the board. A point that has been on my mind a lot recently. Are we sacrificing quality in the pursuit of short-term higher web traffic? I am not involved in the business side of this forum so I don't know the economics. I am just a glorified spam deleter here. But I fear that allowing trolls to fester is driving longtime members away. That and some of the unscrupulous pushing of products that has been occuring. In the long run, I believe this is a killer to web traffic far more than anything else.

Guys will always come and go but it seems like we have recently had many members choose to leave us or greatly reduce their participation rate because of the above issues. It saddens me. I would be in mourning if you left too Halfwit.


Fully agreed. It truly saddens me to see what's happening to this place. I love Ology but lately it seems as though every second thread is just product pushing or trolls. The more valuable members that leave the worse it will get too... Please stick around Half, I for one have benefited greatly learning from you (as have many many others.) Guys like you have changed so many lives for the better through educating people I think a little grumpiness here and there is acceptable. But then again, this ain't my house. Just know you have our support bud :biggthump

Please don't avoid these or other threads. You offer invaluable advice to all the guys here -- new and old. You are the heart of 'Ology.

We all have bad days where we are grumpy; but you are one of the most even keeled guys I know. Any of us that have been here for any length of time get short on patience at times. There is always that one person who posts the magic words that set us off. We have all posted replies like yours. We all know that your posts are based on your hard earned personal experience, vast knowledge and sincere heartfelt concern for others. I also agree it seems like the trolls have been out in droves lately which exacerbates things. It is unfortunate because some guys who really do need help may be mistakenly perceived to be trolls.

I think you bring up a good point though about the board. A point that has been on my mind a lot recently. Are we sacrificing quality in the pursuit of short-term higher web traffic? I am not involved in the business side of this forum so I don't know the economics. I am just a glorified spam deleter here. But I fear that allowing trolls to fester is driving longtime members away. That and some of the unscrupulous pushing of products that has been occuring. In the long run, I believe this is a killer to web traffic far more than anything else.

Guys will always come and go but it seems like we have recently had many members choose to leave us or greatly reduce their participation rate because of the above issues. It saddens me. I would be in mourning if you left too Halfwit.


Couldn't agree more Mega...

When I was in my 'time of need' - yourself and HW were instrumental in pointing me in the right direction and getting me back to normality again.
You guys are the heartbeat of 'Ology and demand the respect you deserve. I'm forever indebted and will never forget that.

I also agree with you that in the last year, this site seems to have lost it's sense of direction, for precisely the reasons you gave, and even though I'd consider myself a vet here, I find myself more reluctant to post as often as I used to.

I've also been saddened to see some of the other vets drop off and head elsewhere and fear that by tolerating obvious trolls - it's seeing guys with vast knowledge and who enjoy sharing their experiences - lose the desire to participate.

I couldn't agree more with you bud.
Assuming OP isn't just trolling for fun...

I think the best cycle would consist of cheeseburgers and a squat rack. It was about that age that I started rubbing shoulders with some of the bigger guys in the gym and that was the advise they game me. It worked. It worked well enough that most everyone assumed I was on gear.

At that age and with those stats I don't think you should be wasting time doing anything but heavy compound lifts and eating. Something like starting strength, stronglifts, or greyskull and eating.
When you have kids that are this kids age it's actually kind sad. Hearing this KIDS plans that is. Everybody is right in saying that he will basically destroy his body if he goes forward with this idea of his. I can remember when I was a freshman in h.s. and I weighed 93lbs. When I was a senior I weighed 180lbs. That was just a good old growth spurt. No working out, no diet plan. Wait a while bro, you may be ready to hit a growth spurt any day now. Dont wreck what nature may have in store for you. Worst case u wait a couple years and your still small, by then have your research done & give AAS a shot if your still interested. You got your whole life ahead of you man.
Soldier74, if I had 1/4 of the knowledge, motivation, drive at 18 that I have now man what I could have achieved. I hope the op listens, learns a few things, and gets his diet and lifting in place, leaving the aas talk for 5-6 years from now. But I also rememner the mindset of an 18yo, plus I have a 15yo at home who thinks he knows everything(he leaves me shaking my head at times).

An 18yo body is already giving you everything you need if you supplement it with a good diet.
U got some good advice. People always do here which is why I am here.

Ology has been INSTRUMENTAL in changing me from intolerant of anything that does not look like me or worse, think like me. A combination of factors to include lil T s being born and the battles I had in court and the support I got from like 4-6 friends I have on this Planet AND from some mods and vets HERE. DPR was one, Mega ( we actually chat telephonically on occasion) and of late HW.

I m known for my impatience. Here in my zip code and here at Ology. But I now don't go places where I m apt to lose it or struggle to keep my mouth shut and here, I usually wait, warn then warn again and like work--overwhelm , shame or provoke someone into either compliance, leaving or defending an indefensible stance.. and steamroll the threat or dick...whichever it is. I can only be me but I m trying to do better and be more compassionate at least when my actions may bring heat to my child, gf or the board.
On my own I ll still ask the guy out in the parking lot, who was in front of me at Home Depot and gave the lil cashier so much shit he made her fluster or tear up-
"U want to act like a fkn asshole and make me cry you fat fuck ?"
14 yr s as fed school crossing guard and 2 on the street...hard to wash away with inaction or "it s not my fight"..or "indifference", I m not BRED that way.

Cannot stand a bully, a smart ass or a dumb fuck asking for attention more than so called knowledge. Our societies striving for mediocrity and allowing every demographically different person to show their ass and then expecting to be shown respect and tolerance to boot is tearing western culture down.

I agree newbs need to nurtured------to a point. And I ll continue to eat, nap and then act....here. It does wear on a person who had to borrow 5 figures to get his Masters and pay it back simply because I was unfortunately born white and male. Ain t no box for me to check to get shit for free. But I roll with it.

HW--u r the man . Thank u and DPR for helping me over the years. Quantity has a quality that's a given...but we re not at war. Quality has a quantitative affect of it s own as well....jus sayin.....
But I m just a dumbass peckerwood living down here in a Puddle of Mudd with to many books, guns and a bad attitude...mostly..
I love it her at xx507 and Ology...but both my neighborhoods are beset with low life s ingnorant behavior....soon to over run like W Europe s immigrant crime wave.
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The growth plate issue is powerful, you may not notice anything now but when your in your 40s, 50s and 60s if you make it to that you will live a painful life.