18 year old first test e cycle

Megatron i know you guys dont want to give advice to anybody less then 25 but why dont you guys are understanding this thing that guys like me who have made up their mind to take roids and they will so just why dont you guys tell the safest and most efficent way because you guys are experinced in this thing....

What if you were 15 years old and had made up your mind? Should I help you cycle ™safely"? What if you were 13 years old? How about 11 years old?
Bro that would mean that i can't get any usefull info from here ok then i will do my test cycle + pct and i am not going to post on this thread again because here no one has a brain they know nothing except that YOU ARE TOO YOUNG KID DONT DO ROIDS.
Bro that would mean that i can't get any usefull info from here ok then i will do my test cycle + pct and i am not going to post on this thread again because here no one has a brain they know nothing except that YOU ARE TOO YOUNG KID DONT DO ROIDS.

You didn't respond to my questions in Post #81.
That wasnt what Megatron ment you cant even comprehend what people are saying to you . It shows your level of maternity and im not having a go at you brother even if you do a cycle you won't see any results because your diet is shit nothing will happen except you will shut of your natty test and alot of other bad stuff that evreyone had already told you . I dont understand why you are here if you wont listed to anyone its not that hard to find info on cycles of test and pct ect if you were so serious you woudnt be whasting anybody's time on here you would be sticking a needle in your bum . Im a headstrong person and ill do what i want to do but i dont go around asking professionals for there advice and then not listen and throw sh*t back in there faces if your going to do this go do it stop talking about it and stop asking for help nobody wants to help you ruin your life peace out
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No one will help put a cycle together for someone whos endocrine system isnt fully developed yet because no one is going to assist someone is possibly causing permanent damage to ones physical and mental well being down the road. Im sure you understand that.

If you are dead set on running gear, the internet has millions of pages that you can read on steroid use, ancilary use, PCT, side effects and everything inbetween. Why dont you, instead of saying 'hey, what should I do for a cycle', start researching, and gain knowledge on the subject and figure out the ins and outs of it all, the make a decision for yourself on what to do and whether or not its a smart thing to do at your age.

Would it not be the smartest thing to do to actually know for yourself what you are about to embark on, instead of taking someones advice blind and running with it?

The only things you will acquire are acne, stunted growth, a fucked up for life endocrine system and girls laughing at your balls.
Steroids arent magic, if you dont know what the fuck you are doing and you are too young they only do harm, not good.
Gains will be totally fucking shit and you will lose all of them too.

Male model phisyque?
A male model phisyque can be achieved naturally in 1-2 years of solid work, with ZERO side effects, dont be a pussy and go get that work done.

And stop this "I already made up my mind" bullshit, you are old enough to realize you should actually change your mind here.

This been said, nobody here is gonna help a 18 years old kid destroy his health just to look worse than he already looks.
We could give you training or nutritional advice, but dont go on about steroids or the thread is at a dead point right here.

The only things you will acquire are acne, stunted growth, a fucked up for life endocrine system and girls laughing at your balls.
Steroids arent magic, if you dont know what the fuck you are doing and you are too young they only do harm, not good.
Gains will be totally fucking shit and you will lose all of them too.

Male model phisyque?
A male model phisyque can be achieved naturally in 1-2 years of solid work, with ZERO side effects, dont be a pussy and go get that work done.

And stop this "I already made up my mind" bullshit, you are old enough to realize you should actually change your mind here.

This been said, nobody here is gonna help a 18 years old kid destroy his health just to look worse than he already looks.
We could give you training or nutritional advice, but dont go on about steroids or the thread is at a dead point right here.

Why would girls laugh at his balls if he uses HCG?
Op, it's been said many times already in many different ways that cycling at your age is a bad idea. I'm not going to bash on you , you're 18 and old enough to make your own choices and you've already stated that's exactly what you're going to do. I'm 45 yrs old, I didn't start on the aas journey till I was 43. I made that choice for a couple of different reasons, the most important one being I wanted to try something to help with the constant pain in my knees. I was told at the age of 15 that by the time I was 25 I would probably be in a wheel chair. At 15 I had the knees of an 80yr old man. My surgeon told me back then that the only hope I had was to keep lifting weights and building up the muscles around my knees to stabilize them. I spent most of my high school years on crutches, I didn't get to play sports, instead during gym class they sent me to the weight room. At 17 I was stronger than most of the football players even though I only weighed 155 lbs. I had and believe still have the record for being the lightest guy to bench 300lbs in that high school. There was no way in hell I was going to end up in a wheel chair at 25 so I worked my ass off!! Was I offered "roids" hell yes, many times but see I'm a stubborn little bastard and I didn't want any help staying out of that wheel chair, I wanted to do it on my own, I wanted to be proud of what I accomplished.

So in my long winded round about way, what I'm trying to say is everyone here has there own reason for taking aas whether it's for health, vanity or just to feel normal. Some of our reasons are the same some are different but the one thing we all agree on as a whole is if you're going to do it, do it the smartest safest way possible. I did a lot of research before jumping on aas and I went to a lot of different sites to find all the info but I decided to stay with this one because I feel like the people here have my best interests in mind and don't want me making stupid mistakes that could easily be avoided if I just listen and took their advice!! On that same note these are the same reasons why everyone is telling you to wait. The genuinely want to steer you in the right direction for your safety and quality of life!

Op, like everyone has said, bust your ass in the weight room for a few more years, take the money you wanted to spend on aas and invest it in a good dietician like 3J from this site, keep coming here and asking questions and research as much as possible. I guarantee that by the time you are 24 -25 you will be damn proud of what you've accomplished without aas!!!

Just for the record...I'm still not in that wheelchair and my orthopedic surgeons are amazed at the shit I can still do!!
Maurij1 the things you have accomplished are respectfull and can you tell me that what was the problem in your knees and sorry for being disrespectfull to you and any other member of this community and yes now i am not going to touch AAS until 22 to 25 thz for the advice guys and again i apologize for being disrespectfull to all the members....
Maurij1 the things you have accomplished are respectfull and can you tell me that what was the problem in your knees and sorry for being disrespectfull to you and any other member of this community and yes now i am not going to touch AAS until 22 to 25 thz for the advice guys and again i apologize for being disrespectfull to all the members....

It takes a real man to admit when he's wrong and apologize...Apology accepted addyism!

When I was a kid my knees grew to fast and there wasn't sufficient blood flow to grow an decent cartilage. By the time I was 15 and they did my first of 4 knee surgeries they found that I had wore a hole in the bone about the size of a quarter and about a quarter inch deep. I can't run or jump without a tremendous amount of pain but I can still squat and I can still train my fighters. They want to replace my knees but will only do it when I decide to be done training or I can't take the pain anymore. They really don't like to replace knees more than once because of the risk of infection...why the knee is such a high infection risk I have no idea? But because of that they wanted me to wait till I was at least 55 which is why I started aas. Unfortunately I can't take Deca year round so I'm trying to plan it around my heaviest training times which is winter.
I'm really tempted to help this kid and tell him what his cycle should look like. He already made up his mind. There is nothing you guys can tell him that will change his mind. He is a stubborn ass 18 year old. I know because I was once that stupid teenager(I was 19) that "made up my mind"(BTW that was a stupid decision that I regret). However I did not have people like you guys to guide me, I had gym bros which is hands down the worst advice you can get about AAS. I am afraid this kid will fuck himself even more by listening to some stupid advice at the gym.
I'm really tempted to help this kid and tell him what his cycle should look like. He already made up his mind. There is nothing you guys can tell him that will change his mind. He is a stubborn ass 18 year old. I know because I was once that stupid teenager(I was 19) that "made up my mind"(BTW that was a stupid decision that I regret). However I did not have people like you guys to guide me, I had gym bros which is hands down the worst advice you can get about AAS. I am afraid this kid will fuck himself even more by listening to some stupid advice at the gym.

In his last post he said he has changed his mind and decided to listen to us and wait!
Guys if you dont mind can you tell me the prices of the most common compounds like

Because where i live these things are dirt cheap for eg
Test e ******* for 3x1ml ampules
Deca ****** for 1 ampule
Sustanon ******* for 3x1ml ampules
Dbol 100 tabs for ******
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Guys if you dont mind can you tell me the prices of the most common compounds like

Because where i live these things are dirt cheap for eg
Test e ******* for 3x1ml ampules
Deca ****** for 1 ampule
Sustanon ******* for 3x1ml ampules
Dbol 100 tabs for ******

Price talk is not allowed.