19 year old first cycle ,experienced peeps input needed


New member
i had a question to ask , Im an 18 year old dude ,i have been training for 2.5 years consistently without missing a meal (clean diet) ,100 percent every workout and motivated . i have gained 45 lbs (approx) of (lean) muscle mass since i started . i have done my homework on Juice/gear or whatever , and was just thinking about test , Just Test E nothting else.

can i hit test e at 300/400 mg when i hit 19 , in 3 months and i'd have completed 3 years of solid training too!
please help me out.
my goal is to attain a physique like jeff seid/alon gabbay/victor simkin/rob riches. i want t try for the Mens physique later on !
i know these fake nattys are on the jooce ,no point in saying otherwise

so can i start juicing at 19 or late 18's ,just test e at 300/400 mg a week.
after i attain the physique ill just try to maintain it with the same amount or a bit more of test .
8/10 week cycle
Armidex:.25 mg eod and during pct
start pct after 2 weeks of cycle (14 days )

clomid : 100/100/100/100


is it required to take adex during the 2 weeks iin between of cycle and pct ?
and just keep nolvadex in hand ,just in case!
is hcg required for this cycle, im supposing not ,buto'd love to hear you're input on this .
Guys i really really appreciate the replys and in all humbleness i know im starting a bit early and i am taking all the precautions /safety measures i can ,before i hit the T's i'd be 19 ,anyways peeps im not changing my mind ,please dont bash me for that:),thanks.
Just need your input on how can i imrpove on it and how does my cycle look so far ?
ill get my bloodwork done a few days before my cycle and after it aswell.
will appreciate your inputs thanks. Help me out the seasoned peeps .
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Peeps here prib won't help you as you are too young. Lol if your going to do a natural physique comp and run gear that is fucked up and shows poor character. Do the natural thing go compete and when your 25 then think about running gear. They polygraph on natural comp. Did you know that? You gotta be 7yrs clean. Don't fuck that up if it's what you want to do. Not bashing you brother just trying to help.
Littlebambam ,man i appreciate your concerns i considered doing it at 18 , have waited ever since ,and willing to wait another 3 months , plan ever thing properly , make sure each and eaverythings is perfect and when i hot 19 i go ahead with it .

i am 6'0
176 lbs
11.5% bodyfat (callipers)

man i am not the quick fix guy, i have been working extremly extremly hard ,i eat 6-7 meals a day , get 9 hours of sleep and eat clean all week and one moderate cheat meal .
i havent missed more than a week of training since 2.5 years.
absolutely dedicated to get that Nattygraham physique , soon i want to compete in mens physique and do photoshoots and stuff , im not just looking for size ,but symmetry and perfection .just the ideal ,need to be damn proportionate .
this cycle imma bulk with test e only and i have decided to limit myself to just test 3 and clen/anavar all my cycles , no other compunds,i dont need complications .just tell me where i can improvise on thanks bud
Littlebambam ,man i appreciate your concerns i considered doing it at 18 , have waited ever since ,and willing to wait another 3 months , plan ever thing properly , make sure each and eaverythings is perfect and when i hot 19 i go ahead with it .

i am 6'0
176 lbs
11.5% bodyfat (callipers)

man i am not the quick fix guy, i have been working extremly extremly hard ,i eat 6-7 meals a day , get 9 hours of sleep and eat clean all week and one moderate cheat meal .
i havent missed more than a week of training since 2.5 years.
absolutely dedicated to get that Nattygraham physique , soon i want to compete in mens physique and do photoshoots and stuff , im not just looking for size ,but symmetry and perfection .just the ideal ,need to be damn proportionate .
this cycle imma bulk with test e only and i have decided to limit myself to just test 3 and clen/anavar all my cycles , no other compunds,i dont need complications .just tell me where i can improvise on thanks bud

I dont think you understand...males are not finished their development till around age 24-25.... not 19.... not 21.... those are "legal" ages... not biological development being completed... women usually finish a bit sooner. but you are in no way 100% finished at 18 or 19.. and using any aas, even for one cycle can mess up your development.. and im not really talking hight, im talking internal systems along with height.
Please wait and keep researching... cretain, taurine, multiv/m, protein powder, extra healthy fats etc. i would rec all this for a while .
you risk damaging your hpta for life.. alot of people who started too early are now on HRT for life.. thats injections weekly for life..

be smart about the decisions you make.. wait till youre at least 25
HELLO 3j , heard a lot about you , thanks a ton for the reply , i did consider the replies from you guys and thought for a while ..and i have come to this , what if i do a VAR(anavar) only cycle 50 mg a day and nolva for pct

and Primobolan is relatively safe to , not harsh , mild , slow but consistent gains and not harsh on your hpta and dosent aromatise ? what do you think ej

look people i dont have any intention to come of as cocky or arrogant just trying to get it on safely and go on with my life and this seems like a perfect forums so ..,...nonetheless i have considered to drop T-Enanthate only cycle and do primo/var only cycle ,please help me out firther,would be much grateful , thanks :)
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Littlebambam ,man i appreciate your concerns i considered doing it at 18 , have waited ever since ,and willing to wait another 3 months , plan ever thing properly , make sure each and eaverythings is perfect and when i hot 19 i go ahead with it .

im not just looking for size ,but symmetry and perfection .just the ideal ,need to be damn proportionate .

It doesn't matter what any of us say, it's clear you have made up your mind and like all the other young guys who come on here are just looking fo 1 person to say "it's ok, go ahead, do a cycle at a really young age and possibly permanently fuck up your HPTA", unfortunately you came to the wrong forum. No one on Steroidology in all good conscience is going to condone a cycle for a just-turned 19 year old.

You say you've waited a year, like that's a long amount of time. You have no idea what waiting is and like most of the youths today you have no concept of patience or forward thinking. Do you really think that in 10 years time when your possibly on TRT for the rest of your life your going to think back and say "man that cycle when I was 19 was totally worth being married to a needle 2x a week for the rest of my life".

You also say you want to cycle to improve symmetry and proportion. STEROIDS WILL NOT DO THIS. Symmetry and proportion are purely genetically based and can be improved with training. So if your not able to get the symmetry and proportion you want with out steroids, you won't get them with steroids. Steroids will take what you have an make it bigger.

I'm not saying all this to be a dick, I just want to tell it how it is so you can at least think about this before you make a possibly life-altering decision.
i dont think anavar injectable** is available ?
did you see any any anavar injectables , if so let me know .
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bro , i dropped the thought of taking enanthate , thinking of VAR since its less harsh , i do consider , i thought about it all afternoon,thanks for taking your time out , srs :)
bro , i dropped the thought of taking enanthate , thinking of VAR since its less harsh , i do consider , i thought about it all afternoon,thanks for taking your time out , srs :)

var will suppress your test levels just like a cycle will.. again its a bad idea brother
okay thanks for the reply man , ill just think about this whole thing again , maybe wait another year .appreciate it ,but what about Primo ,my mate hopped on it and he has like no sides , slow steady gains and he ran a mild pct