19 year old- first cycle- time for change!!!

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can you trolls get off my thread does anyone know the dose zyzz ran?? just want to see my abs a bit more
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can you trolls get off my thread does anyone know the dose zyzz ran?? just want to see my abs a bit more

You will never look like Zyzz get over it. You aren't tall enough, your not an ectormorph, you aren't tanned, have shit genetics, your ab outline looks like shit and your general aesthetics are in the lowest percentile. Aziz had a perfect diet almost year round, drank no alcohol and trained six days a week. You will never be like him. Fuck off.
be a sick cunt not a hard cunt! week 2 is on the way wish people would help me instead of trolling me but keep motivating me brahs!!
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be a sick cunt not a hard cunt! week 2 is on the way wish people would help me instead of trolling me but keep motivating me brahs!!

We're not trolling you. Anything we say you won't listen you dropkick. Also you're not a sickcunt by doing steroids at nineteen. LOL. What a sadcunt. Have fun being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) the rest of your life bro. The only way you'll ever get an erection. You do realize you'll never look like Zyzz yeah? You will never look like Zyzz, that's why it's so funny. You're from Canada and speak like this? If you came to Australia we'd fucking laugh at you bro, then knock you out.
sorry brah, I'm asexual which means I don't get erections which means all the shit you talk has always been irrelevant to me, care to attempt to scare me more, Brah!
Zyzz fucked himself by starting so early, but the kid did know a lot about proper nutrition and training. He had the foundation and genetics to succeed. 99% of people can take twice the amount of shit he did and never look close to as lean and defined as he did. And you're an imbecile if you think all he took was Tren Ace and Prop. T3, Clen and other cutting drugs were used. Have fun being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), and by god I hope you have a little bit of knowledge about proper nutrition, other wise your AAS might as well be olive oil.
sorry brah, I'm asexual which means I don't get erections which means all the shit you talk has always been irrelevant to me, care to attempt to scare me more, Brah!

Post pictures post cycle. If you're truly a sickcunt and not scared, post pictures of your body post cycle. You'll never look like Zyzz, simple as that.
that's the plan brah , maybe true but everyone is capable pf havin abs! is the aesthetic era brahhhh
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Im so tired of these kind of kids. These kids are the reason i stopped checking these forums every day. They should be banned so we can get back to real discussions.
I'm so tired of these homo fucks using the word brah, brah this and brah that. Come up with ur own shit u no talent excuse for a life.
tbh, look at the first page nobody even tried to guide me in the right direction you guys were trolling me from the start... so dont say i didnt listen to what anybody said u guys just assumed i was sonofgod or whatever
tbh, look at the first page nobody even tried to guide me in the right direction you guys were trolling me from the start... so dont say i didnt listen to what anybody said u guys just assumed i was sonofgod or whatever

Ok I'll bite... If you are willing to take advice, stop taking steroids and start pct right now. Enroll in 3j nutrition plan. 3j will help you get your abs through diet and give you a more efficient workout routine. Spending 1/3 of the price of your steroids and giving you 80% of the way to the body you want. Now we will see who's trolling.
I did read the first page. I knew right away you had done no research because your 19, running dbol alone, and only trained for 1 month before trying aas. Want some advice. Don't listen to sonofgod. Drop the roids and do a post cycle therapy (pct). Learn how to diet and train first.
Before trying aas you want to build a solid base first man. Reach your potential naturally. Aas are for when you reach your plateau and want to bust it. When i started working out i was 155lbs. Got up to 195 lean and natural before using aas. Then got up to 225 with aas after training naturally for years.
My advice to you, stop being lazy, and put in some hard work and dieting before using aas. I guarantee you will look better.

Im tired of repeating myself to you kids. Always posting the same thing. There is a lot of great info on these forums. Do some research before putting something in your body.

But hey, do whatever you want, i dont care.
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