I did read the first page. I knew right away you had done no research because your 19, running dbol alone, and only trained for 1 month before trying aas. Want some advice. Don't listen to sonofgod. Drop the roids and do a post cycle therapy (pct). Learn how to diet and train first.
Before trying aas you want to build a solid base first man. Reach your potential naturally. Aas are for when you reach your plateau and want to bust it. When i started working out i was 155lbs. Got up to 195 lean and natural before using aas. Then got up to 225 with aas after training naturally for years.
My advice to you, stop being lazy, and put in some hard work and dieting before using aas. I guarantee you will look better.
Im tired of repeating myself to you kids. Always posting the same thing. There is a lot of great info on these forums. Do some research before putting something in your body.
But hey, do whatever you want, i dont care.