19 year old- first cycle- time for change!!!

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I did read the first page. I knew right away you had done no research because your 19, running dbol alone, and only trained for 1 month before trying aas. Want some advice. Don't listen to sonofgod. Drop the roids and do a post cycle therapy (pct). Learn how to diet and train first.
Before trying aas you want to build a solid base first man. Reach your potential naturally. Aas are for when you reach your plateau and want to bust it. When i started working out i was 155lbs. Got up to 195 lean and natural before using aas. Then got up to 225 with aas after training naturally for years.
My advice to you, stop being lazy, and put in some hard work and dieting before using aas. I guarantee you will look better.

Im tired of repeating myself to you kids. Always posting the same thing. There is a lot of great info on these forums. Do some research before putting something in your body.

But hey, do whatever you want, i dont care.

Mike, you always have good input here. Dont let the kids drive you away. It's good to have guys like you and many others on the boards.
yah but after shamarcus made fun of my body already, steroids seem like a faster route, and regardles of what people say/assume i am asexual so if libido is the only side effect short term than that doesn't matter but ill probably get off then, my friend was helping me with the cycle tbh hes 18 and he already competes and is like 280 pounds 5'8 lol benching 5 plates, how do people go that long at such a young age with barely any side effects (he never gets off and is on year long)

the thing i dont understand is even if a 18/19 year old was going to run stuff or "ruin themselves" as you guys say, if they're going to do it anyways u cud at least give them proper advice on how to do it and everything, even with sonofgod you guys just made fun of him non stop, if he was so focused on staying on stuff you could of told him a good first cycle and everything

ps im running test and tren not just dbol im not scared of needles lol
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yah but after shamarcus made fun of my body already, steroids seem like a faster route, and regardles of what people say/assume i am asexual so if libido is the only side effect short term than that doesn't matter but ill probably get off then, my friend was helping me with the cycle tbh hes 18 and he already competes and is like 280 pounds 5'8 lol benching 5 plates, how do people go that long at such a young age with barely any side effects (he never gets off and is on year long)

the thing i dont understand is even if a 18/19 year old was going to run stuff or "ruin themselves" as you guys say, if they're going to do it anyways u cud at least give them proper advice on how to do it and everything, even with sonofgod you guys just made fun of him non stop, if he was so focused on staying on stuff you could of told him a good first cycle and everything

are you seriously being a fucking crybaby because someone on the internet made fun of you??? Its not our job to TELL you what to run. Youre supposed to RESEARCH what to do as a first cycle, and we'll help afyerwards, but if youre too young with no diet, no base, then you need to wait. And just acting like an ignorant ass doesnt help either, especially in his situation
You shouldnt be in a rush. You're 19, you've got plenty of time. Gear isnt some magic potion. In my mind there is nothing more anabolic than food. Gear should be seen as a supplement. Its all about diet and good rest.
I too read the first several pages before writing this up. People have been giving you loads of really good advice, Zeus. If I were you, I'd drop the AAS now and start your PCT immediately if you want to recover your natural levels before they're screwed up for good. You, sir are in no position to even use AAS based on your stats. Simple as that. A month of training? Really? There are guys here who've been training seriously for 2-4 years prior to using any type of AAS. What makes you think you've plateaued your natural limits after a single month of training and at such a young age where your Test levels should be at their peak? Explain to me your reasoning behind that, Zeus.

You want some good advice? Mike24, Kamikaze and others have said it, but I'll say it as well.

1. Drop the AAS, start PCT now.

2. Get yourself a solid diet plan and routine. 3J is great at that, but you can do it yourself if you're smart enough.

3. Train for AT LEAST 2 years and reach your potential naturally.

The more time you spend on AAS and badmouthing everybody, the worse you make it for yourself, both physically for your natural levels and socially by not letting us help you.
took the day off the gym but mhmm View attachment 549273 , dat bulk

2k cal pizza + 2 muscle juice = 5000 cals today!
il keep what everyone said in mind tho, i already been on for a while and i dont think i can get a pct anywheres so i think the best thing to do wud be to finish it off now
il keep what everyone said in mind tho, i already been on for a while and i dont think i can get a pct anywheres so i think the best thing to do wud be to finish it off now

Wait, what? You mean to say you DIDN'T have a PCT lined up before you started this cycle? Are you for real, man?
Who the fuck starts a cycle and don't have all the shit they need? And this includes post cycle therapy (pct). You have no clue what you are doing. Drop the AAS stick with the Domino's
I'm borderline thinking we should just stop trying to help you, man. You didn't even get all the stuff you need for a proper cycle. That is a horrible mistake on your part. What are you going to do after this cycle ends? How are you going to recover yourself in time? You just gonna do it old school and wait it out for 6-30 weeks?

This is such a horrible mistake on your part that I'm going to have to backhand the shit out of my neighbor because there's gonna be so much disappointment left over.
Lol he took a picture of a pizza and thinks its a good bulking diet. Kid has no idea in hell where his Macros need to be I bet. Keep eating pizza, and then wonder why that trenbolone didn't get you "lean as a sick cunt"
I'm borderline thinking we should just stop trying to help you, man. You didn't even get all the stuff you need for a proper cycle. That is a horrible mistake on your part. What are you going to do after this cycle ends? How are you going to recover yourself in time? You just gonna do it old school and wait it out for 6-30 weeks?

This is such a horrible mistake on your part that I'm going to have to backhand the shit out of my neighbor because there's gonna be so much disappointment left over.

I honestly think this kid might just be a really, really good troll. He's "asexual", has no post cycle therapy (pct) and has been training a month and is on Zyzz's jock. Its like he knew everything that would piss a serious athlete off, and then spouted it off in one thread.
I honestly think this kid might just be a really, really good troll. He's "asexual", has no post cycle therapy (pct) and has been training a month and is on Zyzz's jock. Its like he knew everything that would piss a serious athlete off, and then spouted it off in one thread.

Starting to think this exact thing, bee. I think the mods should just close this thread down and let this troll or whatever he is deal with his issues himself.
No pct, and might not be able to get one......are you kidding me. Are you intentionally trying to fuck yourself up...im not wa sting anymore time here.
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