1g test, 75mg tren a ed...........


New member
Started my blast at low test 200mg a week, running tren a up to 100-130mg ed, now I switched to high test, lower tren, 800mg test, 75mg tren a ed, side wise feel good other then insomnia I always suffer anyways off tren or on tren
Now debating of upping my test dose to 1000mg a week
and keeping the tren 75mg ed
Right now I am sitting rougly arouND 220lbs, bf around 12 to 10 percent, eating at matainence or abit lower, high protein, high fat, low carb diet
Carbs pretty much set for post workout, nomore then 150g carbs a day
Just wanted to get some feedback on people running tren with higher dose of test, as I do fair out great with tren for sides, thanks
i prefer low dose tren an dhigh test myself. to me sides are better and mood is better. I dont get super bad sides on tren as it is but after couple months i do feel crappy and a few weeks in the night sweats and craz dreams start to bug me.
also i highly rec kavakava on tren, specially before bed.
Yeah been blasting tren now for 20 weeks lol
Gains are great and sides are limiTed
and tren cough I get forgot to.mention that, sucks shit
terragon makes some pretty potent tren
sex drive obviously tho through the roof
How were u dieting juice? Carb cycling?, eating at matainence?, or above or below?
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If you haven't run test that high and even if you had, keep that AI drip going in a check yur estro and have some caber it prami handy- good luck!
Hey snow patrol
I want to look intimidating, usually when people see me they don't fuck with me
I am a bigger framed dude that loves the bigger look
Like I said I am eating at matainence, gaining muscle while loosing bf, taking this as is, I am not competing, just taking things as they come and eating clean with the occasion cheat meal once a week
Found my solution with a high pro, high fat, low carb diet approach
Works for me and don't get the bloat that the carbs were giving me
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Give or take doesn't bother me
Bf is just a number anyways
Calipers read 7-8mm which is arouND 10 percent but f it don't care just numbers
And yes no leg pics haven't hit legs for a month after finding out I got a tear and sist in right knee (lcl tear), that needs sugery eventually :(
Feel kinda stupid walking around with a big upper body and can't work my legs right now
Good thing for jogging pants ;)
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But thinking of hitting them lightly this week, maybe just some light leg extentions, and leg curls for hams and see how that feels
Try doing a shit load of back extensions and DB straight leg dead lifts. At least you can get a big ass. This is good for people who cant hit quads cause of an injury. It will give the illusion that you dont skip leg day
Okay Thanks bro, did back tonight and ended it with reping out some back extensions as usual, gonna hit chest tomorrow but before I hit chest I wanna see how my knee will hold up doing light leg extentions and leg curls and some calve work as well
Also reasoning for switching from low test, higher tren, to higher test, lower tren is cause I started to get limp dick, don't know if it was in my head or not after the first time it happened but the following couple night it happened again, so decided to switch it up after running my test lower for quite abit of tI me, before that didnthave any issues
My mood seems quite better since switching things up as well
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I think leg extensions are pretty useless. Very harsh on your knees. Air squats would be your best options for quads.
Also reasoning for switching from low test, higher tren, to higher test, lower tren is cause I started to get limp dick, don't know if it was in my head or not after the first time it happened but the following couple night it happened again, so decided to switch it up after running my test lower for quite abit of tI me, before that didnthave any issues
My mood seems quite better since switching things up as well

What are you running as far as AIs / DA goes?