1st cyc


New member
trying to configure a good solid 1st cycle.
i was thinking test E 500mg (mon/thurs) 12weeks. post cycle therapy (pct) noval 40/40/20/20 and if needed 10
also hav anastrozal on hand if gyno sypts .5 eod

dono bf%
been training about 3-4 years consistant
Seems ok.

Would post up your diet and workout before you start.

Best to be sure you going to make some good gains.

For you BF.

Which one are you ?


i was thinking about changeing my workout to the 5x5 workout? would u recomend it?

diet will b posted eventually also
Should try this one.

Squats 2 x 5
Leg presses 1 x 20 (pick 1 of the squats + the leg presses)
posterior core movement 2 x 10-20reps
oblique crunch 2 x 10
Calves Raise 2 x 10
heavy abs 2 x 20
Hanging Crunch 3 x 5

Wide grip flat bench 2 x 6 (index fingers on the rings)
flat bench hammer grip db press 2 x 12 reps
tricep push downs 1-2 x 100reps.
db side laterals 2 x 10reps
db front raises 2 x 10reps
Standing Military Press 3 x 5 Heavy

Dead lifts (rotate variations each week) 2 x 5
posterior core movement 2 x 10-20reps
rows 2 x 4-8reps
Reverse grip narrow grip pull downs 2 x 8
Standing wide grip curls 2 x 12 reps
hammer curls or reverse curls 2 x 12reps
heavy abs 2 x 20reps

Barbell Shrug 2 x 10
Reverse Barbell shrug 1 x 10
Behind The Back Wrist Curl 2 x 10
Wrist Roller x 3

Got it from a Exp member here.
thanx alot..ur prob the most help ne1 on here has given me thus far. really appreciate it.
any imput on noval vs clomid for pct?
Hat- Your cycle looks kosher for your first one. As for your question regarding your post cycle therapy (pct). Nolva & Clomid do different things for each other. Nolva is to help out with gyno and Clomid helps to recover HPTA (natty production).

I take both and it works well for me each time. Also, you might want to consider having an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand. I like Aromasin personally.

g luck
thanx alot..ur prob the most help ne1 on here has given me thus far. really appreciate it.
any imput on noval vs clomid for pct?

Thats what i am here for.

I agree with Barry
Clomid and Nolva for PCT.

anastrozal will do for AI
:beertoastKudos to you hat. Youre running a very sensible and effective first cycle along with a good soild post cycle therapy (pct). Wish more had your good common sense bro:beertoast
50mg is a high dose.
Start at 30mg then work your way up.
Some find that 40mg works best for them.
Your first cycle I would stick with test only. This way you learn how your bod reacts to high levels of test.