1st Cycle @ 35yrs. old

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diegothailand said:
trust me. i don't listen to what other people say, you freaking tard.

***Maybe you should listen to what others say---take what is useful and move on... Whats up with the name calling, cant debate like a man?

kerry would have done better due to one factor and one factor alone: THERE AREN'T WMD IN IRAQ!

**I thought it was----- his name was not bush... :druggie:

or is it ok that the administration pushed the IC (intel community) to create evidence supporting the war?

***Actually they never created evidence, just assumptions, and what -ifs....

is it ok that now we look like a bunch of war mongering tycoons? (live overseas, you'll see that all us Americans are embarrassed to show our US passport now..)

***We are a bunch of war-mongers!

is it ok that 2000 soldiers are dead, and tens of thousands horribly wounded?

**No its not OK, i have 2 brothers over there, screw bush and his cowboy approach, WITH US OR AGAINST US BS........ Why are his kids not over there?

what became of the other issues?

***The gullible sheep, the gullible press and the gullible weak American public that was too lazy and too afraid to QUESTION THEIR leader... What a shame, our forefathers would smack every last one of these people right in the chops for letting such things go un-challenged!

i remember a guy named UBL, Zawahiri and Mullah Omar who may have had something to do with the worst terroristist attack in our country's history. have they been dealt with? why did we shift focus?

***Because from 2000 Bush said he wanted Saduum out of power, 9-11 was his chance to get what he wanted..

what about north korea? prior to bush, there was legitimate dialogue between ours and their top officials. agreements were in place to begin monitoring and to provide energy producing reactors. but congress pulled the plug on this, the koreans became rightfully upset, and bush took office calling them the axis of evil. what for? "it's either my way or no way, cuz i'm a dog darn texan!" idioto.

****Yep and the sheep follow, they think his BRING EM ON, attitude wins wars, its so diplomatic.... NOT...

smartest guy on bush's cabinet, and likely the guy that got him enough votes to win, was general powel. this dude found out RIGHT away that the rest of the cabinet was way off...he was constantly at war with rice, cheyney, and rummy. wonder why. he never worked for big business? he was a true diplomat?

**He is a coward because he knew Bush was WRONG and sat there and said NOTHING...... He backed Bush up every time, say something derrogatory about Bush and Powell flamed up! Powell is just another puppet, who was not man enough to do his job and be honest with the American public!!!!!

case in point on the latter, bush was settled on going into iraq alone. he met with his cabinet to discuss this and powel convinced him of the long term necessity of not only having a coalition of supportive nations, but to also have and stick to a strict policy objective (called the powel doctrine). bush accepted this and built a small/fragile coalition. very fragile (i.e., countries like the philippines and spain). but bush did NOT settle on a long term objective. at first it was simply to rid iraq of saddam and the WMD. now it is terrorism? wtf?

****Bush got what he wanted, he took Saduum out of power, to show daddy--Look i did something we never thought we could do, at what cost? Who cares, Bush thinks GOD put him in office, he is a freak, he even said that god wanted him to become president....

mark my word, the jihadists who are learning to kill with amazing precision in iraq will one day migrate outside iraq. where will they go to fight? after afghan, similar jihadists went to africa, south asia, eastern and western europe, and even america. the iraqi jihadists WILL be in america one day. there are too many of them, and they're too well trained and supplied.

*****Screw them.... Let them try and fight Americans in America, you will see how skilled we become.....You see how we--the people come together after a tragedy, just wait until we have to fight in our own streets, we will be unbeatable......

or maybe i'm wrong and everything is just perfect? the economy (including deficit, foreign trade, unemployment), fuel prices, and our relations with foreign nations are at an all time high, right?

**Nah, but the Bushies might agree with that false ignorant statement...

we've got iran, nkor, afghan, uzbekistan, germany, france, and a shitload of others all on our side, all working hard together. "who the fuck needs them, this is texas! it's either my way, or no way!" sorry, the rest of the world out numbers you, jackass. live outside the states and you'll realize.

**80% of Europeans said that Bush was a bigger threat to world peace than Saduum Hussein.... I have to agree!

The US has started a war on false pretenses, and our leader is not held accountable?
blueshadow said:
such angry kids. so how is middle school diegotohell?

You would be pissed too, if 2 of your brothers were put in Iraq, because Bush has an ego problem!
blueshadow said:
i have 2 family members in iraq and i am proud of them, not mad. i apologize if i offended you.

Funny how people think, that because i am pissed that my family is in harm's way, that i am not supporting the troops or somehow not proud of them> Come on......

Where are Bush's kids? Are they in Iraq, Out of all of Congress, there is 1 family member in Iraq....... When will the people rise and make every politicians family go to war, before anyone else-----Bet we never go to war again, its 2005 people, we have found that war does nothing but breed hate and create more wars...... Btw--I served my country and respect and love my brothers and sisters in the military...... but dont believe that ONE of their lives is worth that of an Iraqi......
bulldog743: this thing about doing testosterone cypionate, then hCG, then waiting, then back to the testosterone cypionate....well, it is stupid and unhealthy. And it isn't Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). This clinic you used doesn't give a damn about your health; they are just out to make money.

It sounds like you need to be on real Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). It is healthy, you feel good on it, etc. And if you look around, you can get a legitimate physician to prescribe real HRT for you. That's usually something like 100mg of testosterone cypionate/week and using hCG at the same time is a really great thing.
i'm not stupid enough to live outside the u.s.. if living abroad is so great, renounce your citizenship and have fun. the true measure of a country is to look at how many people are leaving and how many people want to enter it, if i have to explain that, then i have wasted my time replying. it always amazes me how stupid some people are. too bad darwinism doesn't work nowadays because of modern technology.
You guys should move the conversation to the convo lounge. I'm trying to communicate that this isn't proper HRT.