1st cycle clenbuterol and HGH


New member
Hey, I had a few questions about my first cycle. I will be starting a HGH and clenbuterol cycle. I was wondering what I can expect from this. Currently I am I am 5'8" 290. Exercise daily, bench 385 deadlift 495 squat 455. I'm looking to lean out but continue to gain strength. I hit my macros daily however I have a sweet tooth. Once this cycle starts I'm going to cut out the junk. Any input or information would be awesome thanks!
Hgh isn't really used for a cycle. It usually is used for atleast 6 months. A first cycle would be test. I suggest you do more research on hgh, clen and first cycles. Read the ology faq's thread for great info on first cycles...
Clenbuterol and hgh ,, that's a first cycle ? Sounds like something my wife would take on her next diet fad , not a CYCLE.. You need AAS in some form to warrant a cycle

Your first post to a steroid forum about a first cycle , yet there is no steroid involved in it
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Nothing is what you can expect :)
Clen is fine for cutting, used clenover last time, and it was burning like hhell.
Well it looks like you have the lifting power, along with some meat on your bones and
right now you're looking at more of a weight loss regimen...

If it were me... I would run a testosterone cycle with hCG and Aromasin for your AI.

Here it is in layman terms...

1) Testosterone will help build lean muscle providing you put that sweet tooth to rest.
2) HCG will keep you from shutting down - your balls won't shrink. :Pump:

3) Aromasin for your AI which will control your estrogen - keep you from getting bitch tits or man boobs.

And the plan a proper PCT - Post Cycle Therapy... which will help you keep your gains.

If you can afford HGH... I would first use that money to put together a year long cycle plan...

I try to keep myself stocked 6-12 months out with my gear so I don't waist any energy worrying
about running out of gear for my upcoming cycles.

Every baseline should have the three things I mentioned above... Testosterone, an AI and hCG... then you
build (add items) on top of that, with each upcoming cycle.

Welcome to the forum - and please stay active... "you're in good company!" :D