1st cycle in 5 years


New member
Just received my gear last week and started this week. I did two all test cycles about 5 years ago. Decided to give it another go this summer. It was originally an all test cycle with clomid for pct but I just ran into some clen and t-Bol now too. Should I add either of these and at what point during the cycle? I'm going for more lean and strength than bulk.

Week 1-12 Test Ent. 625mg wk
Week 13-15 clomid 50mg ed.

I have 100 tbol tabs 10mg and 50 clen tabs at 2mg.....I need to check on the clen again I may be wrong about the mg dosage.
1 comment I have to make is that post cycle therapy (pct) should be started 2 weeks after last pin whilst using enanthate. So push your week 13 post cycle therapy (pct) to week 14. 14 days after last pin is when post cycle therapy (pct) should be started.
Also consider nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) over or alongside with clomid.
So I ended up getting 100 tabs of anavar instead of tbol. Gives me 4 weeks worth at 40mg Ed six das a week. I'm going to drop the clen totally for now. I'm into my 2nd week of the anavar and now on week 4 of my test. I'm getting some massive pumps from the anavar the past couple days. So here is my cycle revised a bit. My question is shoud I acquire more anavar and take it throughout the remainder of the cycle which would be 10 weeks total on the anavar? Or just get another 4 weeks worth and run it at end of cycle?

Test E 625mg week 1-12
Anavar 40mg Ed week 3-6 (and 9-12?)
Clomid 50mg Ed week 14-16
I was in a long term relationship and she was totally against it. That's over now though!

In week 4 now and my arms and chest are getting noticeable more cut and harder looking. I'm only up 6 lbs though. Thought I would be gaining more but I am going for more cut look than bulk. The anavar is giving me some serious pumps now that I'm two weeks into it. Need to reup more of those since I'm thinking of running 40mg Ed for remainder of cycle.
good luck with current cycle after the long break. I just started again after about 13 years off.
tomorrow marks 2 weeks on now. havent really felt anything kick in yet. hoping to start seeing some strength gains in the next week or two....crossing fingers
Lol my girl was against AS as well. Somehow asking her to be the one pinning me has brought her some strange joy/interest in it haha.