1st Cycle - Initial pic and 4 weeks in


New member
Im 31, 6'1, 205. Started my first cycle. Running Test E and Equipoise @ 500mg a week each. Just starting my 5th week. Plan is 12 weeks. Was also running Dbol @ 30 for first 4 weeks.
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Definitely could have added a lot more mass and dropped the BF before cycling, but it's too late for that now :)

You certainly look bigger. Keep the pictures more consisten (position, lighting, etc ) so we can gauge better. What's your training/diet look like right now?
You don't need to be ass naked when you take your pics. We can critique you just fine without seeing the top of your pubes.
It's hard to talk shit because you had the balls to post your pic and there is always gonna be someone bigger and in better shape, so cheers for having the guts...BUT...fuck bro, I feel that you could have done some more work without the use of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) first. It doesn't looks as if you hit the gym much or paid attention to diet that much. Again, the same might be said for my pics by someone I guess... I dunno, keep us posted on the results.
I can def see results,but you would have been alot more satisfied
If you would have done morry natty training along with a good diet.
What are your post cycle therapy (pct) plans?
Stay consistent with diet and training and you will get results.
i think your finding out like alot of newbies do that A.S. is not a magic potion..you dont just get huge by taking them..theres a shitload of hard work and proper nutrition that needs to be done to maximize results..
not a flame bro,just my opinon..
with that being said..keep at it and post up some more pics after your cycle is complete..
Man I didn't mean to be a dick either, but seriously people need to stop taking steroids just because they've been training for a couple months and they feel their lifts are not going up as much. That is what this board is for, education, if the original poster had come here while in the decision making process, I'm sure others would've talked him out of it, or he would've done enough research to decide against it. I have no doubt in my mind that he could've attained better results just sticking it out for a while natty.