1st cycle Pic Critisism


I'm on week 4 of Test Enanthate 250mg every 3 days for 12 weeks. Age is 25. I'm 5'11", 206lbs, 13% BF. I train 5 times a week. Walk in 45 min. to work everyday, then do a body part each day 4 exercises 4 sets a piece (rep ranges 15*10*8*6). I eat 13 oz of protein each meal every 2 hours along with a complex carb, such as 160g of sweet potatoe or 1.5 cups of brown rice. Any suggestions on improving my physique or on my 2nd cycle would be a great help.
Looking good man, I will make the suggestions to drop your workouts from 5 to around 3.5 times per week. There is no reason to lift that often. Also if you are just working one or two bodyparts per workout you are being very inefficient, try focusing more on compound movements like bench, squat, deads, rows, presses etc.
Thanks. I'll take the lifting frequency in to consideration when I'm off my cycle. I already do bench on chest day, squats on leg day, straight leg deads on back day, BB rows on back day, military press on shoulder day. The compounds are in there, but I am only doing a bodypart per day.
Young guys NEVER show their legs. I find legs to be my favorite areas to train. But then, I don't wear t-shirts that are 2 sizes to small either.
I train 2 body parts per day x5days why is that bad? I mean I get my rest after legs sat and back/bi wed
Am I really the only one that is not going to say good job to this guy?

It does not look like you have put very much hard work and time into bodybuilding yet and your already using steroids. I dont care about genetics. Anyone can get bigger than that in no time without supplements.

I would not even ask to see the legs or calves.

WAAAAAY TOO EARLY TO START USING but you asked for replys and criticism if anyone had any.
LiftTillIDie said:
5'11 200 is not a bad place to start gear.

Ok, I agree. I am just alot harder on myself, thats all. I would not be ready to cycle until I was already up there. Everyone does it different. :)

Good luck man.
Thanks. Appreciate the honest critism, afterall that is what I asked for, honesty. As Lift till I die stated, I had suggestions from buddies telling me to start 1g of test-e, 500mg of Sustanon (sust), and 500mg of EQ a week for 16 weeks. Needless to say I took the safe route. So thankfully from good guys like you and the info provided in some of the articles I have gained a better aspect of what Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use should really be.
telling me to start 1g of test-e, 500mg of Sustanon (sust), and 500mg of EQ a week for 16 weeks
lol...I hope you didn't seriously consider it.