1st Cycle, Running Sust


New member
Age: 24
Weight: 195
Height: 6 feet
Training: 5 Years, properly.
Diet: Maintenance 2700, clean-bulk around 32-3400 Calories.

Cycle: First cycle, going to run Test Sust 325, 1ml E3D. Going to run it for 9 weeks. Was also considering using Clomid 50mg every day throughout the cycle.

PCT: Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20, 1000mg Vit C (To help limit postcycle-catabolism), Tribulus 750mcg

I've just finished a 6 week cut, I normally weigh in around 210. I will be eating at around 3700-4000 calories for the first few weeks, will adjust accordingly after that.

I Will post photos throughout the cycle.