1st Cycle - Test E 500mg

Just pinned my last 1ml. Am one injection short of what I was meant to have.. probably because I over drew a few times learning to draw.
I am lifting heavier and gains shown, thought I would have gained more but diet was lacking a little and didn't run it for the full 12 weeks..
Nipples are still itchy after 8 days on 20mg of Tamox.. hopefully that goes soon.. now just two weeks until PCT. 40/40/20/20.
Test only is a nice cycle.

And yes Clo leans towards the better choice for PCT but I prefer both Nolva and Clo.
no need for climid if he has nolva its being used for same thing, ether or would work for pct.

your def. not wrong but ive been listening to this advise for years. nolva is next gen and better at raising test levels blah blah... so I finally added clomid (got for free) and my recovery was amazing. i prefer Clomid over Nolva at this point.