1st Cycle


New member
I'm 21

I've been working out for 5 years, this last year I've actually hit it hard

Biceps 14''
Chest 39"
Shoulders 44''
Waist: 34"
Thighs 34"

I am taking testostrone enanthate 250mg/ml 10 ml
I am coming up on my third week and have been taking 1 cc per week.
The first week i didnt feel much
The second week my workout got more intense and close to the end of this week i see results and i have put on six lbs but i think half of it is water weight. I am trying to get bulked up and then lean down so i bought some winstrol and i am wondering when i should start taking this or if i should. please give me some feedback . Thanks
Same boat Sorta

Thats the same thing I was thinking. I Want to bulk up but cut down along with it maybe towards the end. I'm curoiuse in your replys to throwing in the Winstrol (winny). Check my recent posts for some answer they might help. I got some responses informing me to drop the Winstrol (winny) and just change diet and cardio routine to lean instead of the winny.
Voorhees said:
I am trying to get bulked up and then lean down so i bought some winstrol and i am wondering when i should start taking this or if i should. please give me some feedback .

No need for the winstrol. You are putting on weight with just the testosterone and it is a heavy duty drug to begin with. You don't want to be mixing and matching your steroids right away. Stick with one for your first go around and then you can start to experiment if you wish. Good luck with the rest of your cycle.
On your first bulking cycle you don't want to get bulked up then immediately lean out. YOu want your body to adjust to carrying and sustaining the added weight. When you end your cycle and your test levels are low it will be easy for you to slip in to a catabolic state and lose the gains you made. If you try to cut too soon you will increase the risk of losing the gains. So don't concentrate on cutting, concentrate on preserving the gains you made. Fat and happy is no way to go through life, but its good for a few months post cycle.
stick with ur test... if you wanna do something extra... get another 10 shots of test and run the cycle 12-15 weeks... since you're at a low dose you can run a little longer and be ok.. you will just be putting on harder better gains, but it takes longer due to the lowered amount of test
Agree with not using the Winstrol (winny).

ALso I would keep the test low like are and monitor your results. Well 3 is about whre I realize i'm on test. THe results get better.

I think you could have waited alittle longer to get on a cycle but the one you chose was smart.